Implications of Being a Good Muslim-4-

Posted on the 20 October 2010 by Muhammadhazem @MuhammadHazem

It boosts your psychological strength:
Dating’s good; what? It is good!*sigh,* yea…good. Well, had it not been good, you would’ve not witnessed how anobsession it has become, right? I mean, it surely feels good to have someone byyour side. It’s a cute feeling! Whatever is done, is done for a reason…I bet.Some may feel willing to steel to purchase a costly object, for instance.They’re doing it in pursuit of a sensation, a feeling. May it be happiness,security, social recognition, you name it! So, to set the basis for thisreading experience, let’s agree that we simply do things in search foremotional satisfaction and security. Yup! 
Well, did you see NationalTreasure, starring Nicolas Cadge? No? Yes? Anyway, it’s this summerblockbuster and they’re in pursuit of treasures and other…cool stuff.  Through this movie and other adventurous ones,it emerged as a truism that valuable belongings are always caked with dust. So,another base to set is the fact that happiness doesn’t shine like gold.To you, it may surface as the can at the side of the road that gets kicked withcranky, moody people. Yea, so it’s always the smart ones who crouch down andlook inside.   
You know, generically speaking, itrequires faith in the virtue of a cause to be able to keep sticking to it. Whydo you bother staying the extra hours to study and accomplish tasks? It maytake you years to finally get the ultimate, incredible moment of triumph. Theeat-your-heart-out look you flash for indignant losers. But it’s worth it,right? I mean, you know deep inside of you that this is right. You’re so surethat a thousand opposing voices screaming at you in unison to give up won’tbudge you. Maybe, maybe you don’t have the sufficient prove to satisfy theminds of those who fail to see the truth, but it feels enough for you to settlefor an inner belief. I just…need you to believe that Islam is in your bestinterest, will youJ?I know that so many practices seem so enticing to try out, but if you only cameto experience the better pleasure of doing otherwise. IF dating’s good, thensimply not dating is pretty awesome! Regarding males, it gives you thepsychological strength to endure. Females, by nature, require real anddependable men and not those consumed by fashion trends and bad hair days. Theyneed protection and suffice emotional security, and not just a male unable toactively listen because he needs to be excessively listened to as well. Femalesare needy by nature and they have the legitimate right to be so. You can’texpect a virtuous female to refrain for mainstreams and finally marry a guywith insecurities and a need to buy the latest brand name shirts to embrace ahappy face…! Marriage is a comprehensive relationship; it’s about emotionallyhealthy individuals supporting and completing each other. So, it’s a truism toassure you that you need to endure the lures and the ‘’ would you be myboyfriend/girlfriend ‘’ requests to make it right with the one who deservesyour complete devotion and passion.   
Come to terms with that: our mindsare inferior against understanding simply why we’ve been asked to do so. You’veto trust Allah. Isn’t it a fact that trust is based upon a willingnessto follow even in cases of doubt? If your best friend asked you to take anotherroute to reach a certain place, won’t you simply…follow his instructions? Youmay have not treaded through this route before, but you trust him…why would hefool you anyways? In this case, we’re talking about Allah!! Isn’t it obviousthat he knows what best suits our manner of creation?!   
Witty marketers capitalized onmen's pride and assigned smoking Ciggerrates, drinking this awful-tastingbeverage called '' Birrel,'' and putting on a Hugo boss with manhood.Genuinely, it's about bearing responsibilities and resisting, despite how hardit can get. This is what makes a real reliable man. Females, also, have beentargeted meticulously for using cosmetics and other products that demean theirvalue. These multinational organizations need profit; they air aids to getimpressions and money out of your counterfeit Gucci purse. But when it comes toIslam and its highly redefined regulations, there's no ulterior intent; it's simplyin your best interest.  It's a prettycool structure of beliefs and moralities that can boost your psychologicalstrength and assign confidence and resilience to men, and beauty and value towomen. 
Just beware of our competitorsproducing counterfeit versions of a lifestyle unequaled. They will confuse youand weaken your understanding of the truth. As a human being, you've the validright of being happy. All I am asking you is to search in the right directionsand cease fumbling in the darkness. Everyone's is pointing to rights and leftsand their shall be only one arrow facing the sky, unequaled, pointing tospiritual freedom and ever-growing happiness. 
  Remember Allah and his continuoussupervision. Regulate your intentions and steer them to righteousness andwhatever is beneficial and effective. --------------------------------------------ιиѕριяє∂ ву: Many things....