In Love with A Blackie

Posted on the 21 August 2014 by Meera

As the title says, I am in love with a blackie but better not to assume things now itself.. :P

The color black has associated with me in many ways. From my abayas to watch to accessories I wear, the color makes me sophisticated, subtle and stylish and makes me a Woman In Black!

Recently this WhatTheBlack contest at BlogAdda brought my Black desires out. Even though I was short-listed by BlogAdda, sadly I did not receive the gifts for that 4 day fun activity. I was eagerly waiting to pull the Sherlock out of my brain but oops.. my bad. Well, that's okay.. Three days back I received this as an answer to.... WhatTheBlack? question we all raised. At last, the surprise is the Charcoal Tooth Brush from Colgate. Hehe ^_^

As you all know, another blackie I have been associated with lately is Thee Tabellet.. Dell Venue. From playing to praying, it’s been a part of my day to day activities. Dell venue 8 serves to my every day browsing needs without any difficulty. Apart from these, as a blogger, it indeed helps me in many ways to stay connected with my blog almost all the time via Blogger and other social networking apps.

One morning, I woke up with an idea (or is that what I saw in my dream?) I felt amused and so I wanted to give it a shape. But I was too lazy to get up from my bed in that wee hour and walk to my laptop and open it to type down. Plus my lappy is also growing too old lately for it takes time to open its eyes from its sleep mode. So whenever I get some interesting/fun ideas (after all I only get such spark rarely, I dare not to miss them), I decided I should note that down immediately. That’s when Dell comes to my rescue.
Jus turning it on is more than enough and go to the notepad and type instantly. Good, that I din’t forget what was in my head that day. And one such post that I did enjoy writing this in one flow recently was - Quest Of A Fat Little Brat. Click and have fun reading it. :P

Is it too much if I say Dell is very handy and designed for life on the go? 

I’d like to highlight one of its features today - Mobile Network. In Dell Venue 8, there’s a slot where we can insert a sim card and activate the mobile net in a fraction of second. Voila! It helped me during my travel days and especially with the monthly maintenance 'power cut' day in my hometown where there is no power for almost 12 hours n more. Thanks to Dell Venue, for I can stay connected to the world without lagging behind.

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I have fallen in love with my Tabelleett for I hate to stay away from it even for few minutes. But as the days moving on quickly, I started feeling sad for they will take my Blackie from me. L
Right now, I only wish this Dell Venue stays with me for a long long time....!