In My Ideal Post-grad World, I’d Like to Be…

Posted on the 15 February 2014 by Michael Lin @mlin427

1. Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus from the Walking Dead) – Of course, a zombie apocalypse isn’t your typical post-grad environment, but, he has a crossbow. Now that’s winning.

2. Sterling Malory Archer – He’s the world’s greatest secret agent and a professional elaborate voicemail hoaxer. Boom and boom.

Archer, the world’s greatest secret agent from ISIS. Danger Zone!

3. Peter Griffin – If working at a brewery doesn’t appeal to you, then what in the world does?

Peter Griffin, keeping the Pawtucket Brewery in check since…forever.

We all have those dream jobs, so we just have to keep on keepin’ on until we get there!
