In My Mailbox *2*

Posted on the 19 September 2013 by Laraemilie

In My Mailbox was invented by  The Story Siren.
As I wrote in my previous post, I went to the Book Fair 'Le livre sur les quais' recently... and I bought a few books. However, I had decided to be good and so it was only two. I know I mentioned them in the related post, but  they are special for several reasons:Fist of all, they are signed copies... and then, they are the 299th and 300th books to be added to my bookshelf !
So, I now have 300 books in my bookshelf. To see which ones, click here!

I had waited for it for months. My mom read it as soon as it was released, but as I new Tatiana de Rosnay was coming to Morges, I decided to wait in order to have a signed copy... And finally, here it is! I cannot wait to read it!

Tatiana de Rosnay ❖ À l'encre russe 

The second one is a book I had wanted to read for some time. The problem is that I do not like reading the books everybody is talking about. As there was a film, it became even more famous and so I have not read it yet. As I saw it in English at the Fair, I could not resist... 
Tatiana de Rosnay Sarah's Key