The Boyfriend, also known as the Love of My Life, told me a couple months ago that he wanted to see Rush. That before he died he had to see them. So being the product of a Hippy Papa, I racked my brain for knowledge of this band. Nada. Who the HELL was Rush? So I did what any 21ist Century girl would do…I Googled that shit, yo!
I found a naked dude in front of a star thingy…
Then I looked them up on YouTube…
Needless to say, if this was a Bucket List item for the Boyfriend, I couldn’t pass it up. I found cheap tickets on Stub Hub and made it so! In the end I loved Rush. I loved every moment of rock ‘n roll that they sent our way. It was epic in a way I have never experienced in my life. I can’t thank the Boyfriend enough for bringing this awesome into my life.
Oh and there was this guy…