Creativity Magazine

In Spring, I Fall in Love...

Posted on the 23 April 2013 by Petronela Ungureanu @unikornaa
In spring, I fall in love... In spring, I fall in love...
I just cannot explain but, as soon as spring is springing, I actually become a better person. It could be related to the fact that I was born in late winter, otherwise I cannot justify this senseless fascination with this season. The best things happened to me in spring, I wrote my first book in spring, my boyfriend's illness got better in spring, my blog is exploding with visits in spring (only last month I had almost 20 000 visits), I make the most interesting friends in spring, so I suppose...there is definitely something in the air. And I fall in love all over again with all the things that make me happy, and it's the only time that I am a lot less pessimistic than usual. In spring I see strange things everywhere, glimpses of surreal creatures caught between reality and  Forever, shades and colors undetected by the common eye, new worlds that await to be discovered and, above all, I get the feeling that...anything is spring.

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