Increase Blog Traffic With #FlashbackFriday: Hypnosis For Weight Loss

Posted on the 27 February 2015 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Happy Friday!
I have a few things on the agenda this weekend, a birthday dinner, a luncheon, church and the Philadelphia Flower Show.  I hope you have some fun things planned.

Before you get immersed in your weekend take a moment to link up for #FlashbackFriday.  #FlashbackFriday is a blogger link up. Every Friday on Chasing Joy we flash back to some of our older posts to give them a moment in the spotlight. It's fun and a good way to increase blog traffic, find new blogs to read, and find new readers for your blog. Pick any older post from your blog and add it below. You can also increase blog traffic by sharing your post on the Chasing Joy Facebook page and on Twitter using the hashtag #FlashbackFriday. Also, I will Pin your post to the new #FlashbackFirday Pinterest Board.

** Please Note** Linkys only work when everyone plays fair. Be sure to visit at least two other blogs from the link up and leave a comment. Pick any two you like or keep it simple and visit the two blogs linked up before yours. If you link up early be sure to come back and visit blogs that linked up after you.
This week I am linking up another post about my hypnosis for weight loss experience.  Spoiler Alert, I'm still overweight.  LOL  Checkout the post anyway.
My favorite posts from last week's link up are:
Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie -  I enjoy a good smoothie.  
Savvy Working Gal's take on BossyPants.
 Fitnessbuster by Gillian Stephen -  in the spirit of Lent.

 Now it is your turn. Add your link below.
What are you linking up this week and what have you been Pinning?
PS. Come back next week for a Pinterest Project update.