The term media refers to several different forms of communication such as radio, television, cinema, magazines, newspapers, and/or Internet-based web sites; required to educate and make a socially aware nation. It has always played a very crucial role as a source of information, education and entertainment. With the evolution in the field of economic reforms, India has witnessed a major advancement in the role played by the media. Media has impacted our society in many ways. During the early days of advancement, media was not only informative but also catered to the development of a civilized society.
These days, television channels and newspapers are racing and competing with each other to make fast name. The condition is bad to such an extent that to become more popular, the communication there appears a kind of sensationalisation. The fact that media is a critical resource in building a healthy and progressive society is nowhere observed within our communication forms.
Media is often considered as a mirror of the society. The main objective should be to inform, educate and entertain the people. With the increase of channels these days, media has solely become the voice of some political parties. Further, the impact of an unethical and unprofessional information shared through the various communication forms leads to an avoidable aggression within our society.
Television, Movies, Magazine and Music Video’s are some of the many ways today’s young adults are influenced. By creating an image appealing to teens the media controls the variety of material that teens incorporate in their daily lives, because of their quest of self-affirmation and discovery. In the past year, the media, its entertainment industries and fashion designers have created an image containing a more questionable look. It is this distinctive style that has parents, teachers and even some young adults worried.
TV producers, network executives, motion picture companies and others in the media deny any impact of their programs on the attitudes and actions of youth. Meanwhile they continue to spend millions on special effects and marketing geared to increase appeal to youth markets. While corporations spend millions on market research and advertising to create products and campaigns targeted at a youth demographic, they still deny their ability to influence youth. If this were true to fact, would NIKE continue spending millions every year on product development, marketing and advertising? Would McDonalds still be using cartoon like characters to sell hamburgers? Would music labels be increasing the level of violence and sexual content in the music geared towards the youth audience? Would liquor companies be using youth oriented activities in their advertising? Of course it works on influencing youth and its ideals advertising would not be a multi-billion dollar a year business.
Media strongly affects youth culture. The media executives are quick to defend their role in youth violence and bullying while selling millions of dollars in adds focused on youth. Although our news media pretty much follows format of U.S media (breaking news, sub-titles, headlines, anchors, talk shows etc) but they are not being responsible in showcasing the facts in an ethical way. Instead of focusing the problem and making the people aware it would be better if the focus is more on the solution and creating awareness among the people about the measures to be taken to solve a problem. In this way media could better serve the society.
We must not forget the fact that there are some honest communication forms also. These forms often put their lives at risk to inform us about an event or activity. The communication form(s) should be such that it provides a good atmosphere to enhance the process of binding the society and not breaking the unity amongst the society. We should never forget that, if the various communication forms play their respective roles honestly and cohesively, no one can either weaken the strength of our society or stop the development of our nation.