Inside the Blogger’s Studio: Insignificant at Best

Posted on the 02 June 2013 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

Welcome insignificant at best - we’re happy to have you Inside the Blogger’s Studio! This series is a way to get to know other bloggers, while also getting a glimpse into the life of a fellow parent. Who doesn’t love feeling like they aren’t the only ones going crazy?

This is a really cool blog. It has posts, contests, giveaways, and blog hops. Plus, she writes short stories. Yeah, she might be superwoman.

With that said, let the questions begin!

If you had to sum up your blog in two sentences, what would you say?

A place where I go to escape the stresses of my day and share my super awesome opinions and thoughts. Plus I like to bribe my readers with free stuff, hoping it’ll keep them coming back!

What thing did you do today as a parent you wish you could take back and do over?

Ummm…nothing.  I’m the best Mom that ever was!  Unless you count when I wasn’t paying attention and elbowed my kid in the cheekbone.  She only looked slightly stunned and there were no tears, so I think whether it counts is up for debate.

What thing did you do today that you are happiest about?

Reheated leftovers.  I’m on vacation from my full-time job; they are lucky I fed them at all.  Heck I even used the oven and not the microwave.  *takes a bow*

What is your least favorite activity to do with your children?

Play pretend.  Every minute of playing Polly Pocket or Littlest Pet Shop is excruciatingly boring.  However, since I’m the best Mom that ever was, I grin and bear it.

What is your most favorite activity to do with your children?

I love to go for walks with my daughter.  It’s fun to explore with her because she notices things that I’d never pay attention to.

When your child drives you absolutely crazy and you want to scream a curse word, which word do you wish you could say?

Will you shut the f@ck up?!?  That’s more than one word, but in my defense it’s only one curse word.

What’s your favorite lie you have ever told your child?

I have Santa’s phone number and will call him directly if you don’t start behaving properly.  I’ve even gone so far as to start dialing.  Works like a charm.

At what moment did you realize that you really were grown up?

I’m still waiting for that moment.  I remember when my pregnancy test was positive; my first thought was “Oh crap, I’m going to be in so much trouble!”.  I had to remind myself that I was 27 years old and had been married for 4 years.  LOL  I don’t feel like I’m 33 years old, so I don’t think of myself that way.  I also pride myself on the fact that I have an incredibly dirty and sarcastic sense of humor.  I’m that girl at work who is giggling to herself because someone just said “It was bigger than I thought”.  My mind immediately says “That’s what she said”; that joke does NOT get old.  Lord help me if I ever lose my sense of humor, because I truly feel it’s what keeps me young.

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