Inside the Blogger’s Studio: Kissing the Frog

Posted on the 23 September 2013 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

Welcome kissing the frog - we’re happy to have you as a guest blogger for Inside the Blogger’s Studio! This series is a way to get to know other bloggers, while also getting a glimpse into the life of a fellow parent. Who doesn’t love feeling like they aren’t the only ones going crazy?

This blogger and I are kindred spirits recently. Whereas my son swallowed a penny, her son stuck a chicken bone up his nose. Yeah, this is a parent and blogger I can relate to.

With that said, let the questions begin!

If you had to sum up your blog in two sentences, what would you say?

It’s a blog about what really happens after all your dreams come true. It’s not exactly what you think the perfect family life would be.

What thing did you do today as a parent you wish you could take back and do over?

I was on the computer a lot! Therefore, my boys were on screens a lot, too. It drives me nuts when they are zoned out, but it’s the only time I can interact with my Facebook peeps!

What thing did you do today that you are happiest about?

I made a great dinner. I’m a horrible cook, so that doesn’t happen often!

What is your least favorite activity to do with your children?

Any kind of crafts or cooking. Pinterest, my ass! I have all boys. Crafts do not go over well at my house.

What is your most favorite activity to do with your children?

It’s a tie between going for walks/bike rides (getting fresh air and exercise is awesome, and I have way more endurance than they do – hee hee) and movie night. I love Disney and kids’ movies, so it’s the perfect excuse to laugh at stupid stuff.

When your child drives you absolutely crazy and you want to scream a curse word, which word do you wish you could say?

God damn f@cking sh!t! (If I’m gonna do it, I might as well use them all!)

What’s your favorite lie you have ever told your child?

Just one? It’s probably any one of the lies I make up about that Tooth Fairy Bitch. She ALWAYS forgets to leave my kids money! During Christmas, when my 7 year old lost a tooth, I told him that she was too busy helping Santa deliver gifts. He nodded “knowingly.”

At what moment did you realize that you really were grown up?

A few days after I brought my first child home as I was changing his diaper, he shot poop across the room. I immaturely freaked out for a minute, but then knew I had to clean it up. It was everywhere – the door, wall, floor, and changing table. I was the only one home, so it was all up to me.

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