
Posted on the 29 April 2012 by Lizb12 @elizabethbrinks

Now i understand if you're like, "OMG" she looks naked! a lot of people get that impression, but i promise, she's not :) what i liked about this photo is well, a lot of things, but some more importantly-if you notice, she is dancing in the dark, alone, in the water.  sometimes we feel like that, like we really can't do anything but swim, because there's no beach or boat coming to our rescue. sometimes that's how i feel, that if i just.don't DANCE. right. NOW. i'm gonna explode, i'm not flexible, and honestly don't have the greatest dance moves, but i would dance exactly what i was feeling for that song, no matter how strange, or emotional. It's something i have to do. singing and poetry are verbal things that release energy, but dance is something that:"if i'm not good, i am GOING to do better" no option. and that's really how life is, sometimes i slip into centering the universe around myself, take this morning for example, i was so frustrated that people needed me in both service AND nursery and they weren't listening to what i needed/wanted to do, it ticked me off sky high, and this lasted for awhile, i was NOT happy.
and neither was God, He needed me in nursery, but first He needed me to deliver an energy in the songs we did for the  service, it was beyond me. but somehow i did it, just live life in the minutes, don't want for the next day, do it in the next minute :)
God Bless

Life's a journey and the road is long but it goes by fast with friends and songs LizB