Last weekend I was in Melbourne for Problogger Evolve and had a fab time. I learnt a lot, networked and met some of the speakers I was really wanting to meet.
My brain is still racing with ideas and thoughts about how to put things in motion. Yes world domination awaits for me soon. I know you laugh, but it will happen.
It is a pity though that being sick has not helped with my plan to dominate the online world (at least not yet). I am slowly getting better and sadly due to this sickness had to miss Tracey Spicer speak the other day. Although I missed this opportunity I gave my ticket to another lovely blogger and she had a blast at the event. It was nice that another working mum could put the ticket to use and enjoy the event.
I have been using my time to organise things slowly for one of my first major products and challenges. A lot of work now needs to happen before it is launched. A book to write and a whole course to go with it. It is HUGE and also exciting, and a little bit scary.
The speakers did say if it doesn't scare you, then it is not worth doing. So I think I am choosing something worth doing by the scary factor here..
It is not that scary but mainly due to the enormity of work involved, and hoping that others will love it when it goes live.
I have also been thinking about what I was told in the UNSTOPPABLE Program.... "How do you want your day to look" this was the answer to my question about having a million things to do and a narrow window to do anything in.
Lots to digest and to do....
What do you do when you are sick?
I really should go to bed but I have been registering domains and names online for my new idea.
I did collapse the other day and just slept and I really must have needed it. I am still exhausted and not 100% but feeling a little bit better than the day before.
Have you come back from a conference and had so much swirling around in your head?
Are you secretly getting orgainsed to launch a new product from something that was said at the conference? Let me know how you are going... you don't need to tell me your secret squirrel project.