Self Expression Magazine

Inspiration: Summertime Countryside Wedding Marquee Decor

Posted on the 27 July 2016 by Belinda Mccarthy @b_mccarthyphoto

I know I blog about marquee weddings A LOT. That's because I'm fortunate enough to get the change to photograph a lot of marquee weddings! And, let's face it, there's nothing as exciting - and challenging - as taking a blank space such as a marquee and bringing it to life in your own unique way for your wedding day.

I've also talked before about uniqueness and how when it comes to decor for your wedding day, you shouldn't feel under pressure to try and reinvent the wheel. A wedding should be about what YOU both like, and the reality is that your likes aren't going to be utterly unique, are they? (And if they are, you're going to have a VERY interesting wedding day!). Who cares if your wedding uses the same colour flowers as another, or if your menus are printed in the same font as someone else's? As long as you're true to yourself and love what you've created, then there's no doubt that others will, too. And a wedding day is about beauty and enjoyment and love. Bring that to your wedding decor and you are onto an absolute winner.

With this in mind, I want to share some wedding inspiration from a recent very beautiful marquee celebration in Exmoor, in an epically stunning hillside location. I'm a big believer in creating a continuity with your surroundings, and in a garden as beautiful as this marquee was situated in, it would have been craziness not to carry on that gorgeous countryside floral feel. So they did, and they did it with honours. Just BEAUTIFUL.

Here are a few tips from me which you'll see demonstrated in these images, to help you create your own wedding day decor. Firstly, when you're in a fabulous location with tremendous views at very window, don't try and outdo it, but complement it. Echo the colours outside, the tones, the textures. Yes, of course have flowers! - but you can't recreate a rival to what nature has tended and grown, not without spending a frightening amount of cash. So accent, don't fight. And secondly, a good theme means decor which all works together, particularly in the neutral surroundings of a marquee. Keep a scrapbook or something similar of everything you've purchased and used, and use this to grow your decor. It will stop you making a mistake by getting carried away with something lovely, but ultimately which doesn't work in your overall theme. And, as you can see, this beautiful Exmoor marquee has been dressed beautifully, elegantly, and with a real sense of continuity - creating one FABULOUS wedding reception!

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