Inspired by David Bailey & Mick Jagger
Posted on the 01 January 2013 by Littlemissliza @littlemissliza
I was having a discussing the other day with my mama and we started talking about the old time classic beauty of the likes of Vivien Leigh, Ava Gardner, Marilyn Monroe and of course Elizabeth Taylor. We had a look at some images and started to really chat about their natural beauty. It is a shame that so many 'celebs' have a different image today. It seems to consist of a look of makeup work or worst still, cosmetic surgery! Of course not all of us are blessed with this natural beauty, but I would never want to go to the lengths that some men and women go to in order to achieve their idea of beauty. Anyway, after this discussion we started looking at some pics that David Bailey had done on some world famous people and I came across a Mick Jagger pic that I thought was fab. I decided that I want dot take a self portrait with that as my inspiration...hope you like...