
Posted on the 17 September 2012 by Themowway @themowway

Quick post to share with you a few of my Instamoments of the past weeks.
I continue to be totally hoocked to Instagram, it's my fave Social network for sure!!
Want to see nice photos, food, clothes, touristy things and Paris, our pet pig?
don't forget to follow us!
This is what I have been up to:
1. Long walks through the fields near out house.
2. Lovely sushi date at Kokura in El Carmen quarter in Valencia
3. Ashamed of the mess in my wardrobe... I tidied it up, but it's a mess again.
4. New sunnies.
5. Paris sitting in front of the mirror.
6. Playing with shadows (this is for sure one of my fave photos!!)
7. Mac, welcome to our lives.
8. Swimming in the Mediterranean sea
9. Graffiti!
10. Ombre juice for Brunch
11. Gathering DIY inspiration
12. We hired a film! (When was the last time you were in a videoclub?)
13. Happy feet in our pool, at home.
14. More pool time.
15. Shopping... but it didn't fit! :(
16. Our new mirror. I simply LOVE it.
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