Intentional 2015 Month 1

Posted on the 02 February 2015 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
I love doing word of the year over new years resolution. I started doing them 2 years ago. 2013 was choose. 2014 was better. In 2015 it is all about working on myself. It's all about being more intentional. 

How I define Intentional? 

By definition: Intentional - done on purpose. 
I think there is more to the word than that. At least in my life right now, it is more about doing something on purpose with a purpose. I have a purpose in my life. 

Right now, I am struggling with my purpose. While I was in college I wanted to work in sports. I was convinced I was going to be something in the sports world. Then I met my wonderful husband, Gary, and he was also in the sports world. When we first met we were both working for the same team then he got a job in Kansas and I got a job in North Carolina. We were engaged, and married people don't live on opposite sides of the country. 

So after some long discussions it made sense for us to focus on Gary's career in the sports world. He had been in the sports industry longer and knew what he wanted to do. I wanted to work in sports but unsure in what department. I love and miss working in the sports industry minus one place. I would love be able to get back to a place where we can both be in sports again. Or if I'm not suppose to work in sports than during this year I want to discover what my purpose really is. 

Each month I want to focus on a different area of my life on being intentional. I got this idea from 2 different people on Instagram: Amy Hale and Rachel Hillary. They each had their own word of the year and each month has a focus in a certain area. I love this idea because it breaks it down into more tangible and realistic goals. 

I really like what Lara Casey did and started her 2015 on February 1st. I really like this idea because this year January didn't really have a purpose. I was just recovering from everything family related. Last year during the holidays I was able to see everyone in my family minus my sister in laws. 

Last Month In January it is always tough to start new because we have the holidays. I love the holidays this year because I got to see every member of my family and extended family minus my sister in laws. It has been a long time since that has happened. 

January was a month that I didn't do much on being intentional. I was actually kinda lazy. Nothing in January besides work nothing was really intentional. 

This Month

In February I am going to be more intentional with my body. 
Being mindful of what I eat and exercise more.