Interconnected Consciousness (Omniverse Part 3)

Posted on the 05 May 2013 by Rjnielsen039 @RobertJ_Nielsen

The universe is a complicated thing, and so is everything that accompanies it. From elemental compounds, to Earth’s biodiversity, there seems to be so much going on at once. All of this can lead to a lot of questions, many of which we are well on the way to answering as a species.

We are figuring out many of the whats, whens, and hows, yet the largest mystery seems to be the whys. Why does it all exist?

Well the newest post in the (long overdue) Omniverse series will attempt to answer one viewpoint on that, primarily discussing consciousness, interconnectedness through all things, and purpose. So… Let’s begin!


This word is a doozy. Let’s start off with something simple, say, a definition of the word. I’ll pull mine from Merriam-Webster;

Interconnected (adj.):

  • mutually joined or related,
  • having internal connections between the parts or elements

Okay, not a bad start. Now, we see that the definition covered is actually for the word interconnected, which is an adjective. Yet I was talking about interconnectedness, wasn’t I? Okay, let’s find that, this time from;

Interconnectedness (noun):

  • the quality or condition of being interconnected,
  • a state of being connected reciprocally

Even better! Now we have two definitions, for two variations of the same word, each in support of the same meaning. To put it simply, interconnectedness is the word used to describe when multiple things are just individual parts of something greater. Do you see where I’m going with this yet?

We are all interconnected. We rely on each other. And I’m not just talking socially here, or even just of our species for that matter. Look at everything you’ve been taught about biology throughout your school career. Go on, I can wait…

Okay, you got it? What did you find out? Remember how we were taught that there is a food chain, and that everything living (including plant life) serves as a food source for another form of life? Well, we were always taught that we had managed to climb our way to the top of that pyramid, right up there above dinosaurs, zombies, and King Kong. But that’s not entirely accurate, is it? Humans manage to find a way to still be eaten by other creatures from time to time. While it may not be as common as it was for out ancestors, some of our species still finds itself on the losing side of a shark, lion, or other hungry predator. Not to mentions venomous creatures such as snakes, spiders, lizards, and more.

But I thought we dominated the food chain/pyramid? What happened? Well, it’s simple. There’s not really such a thing as a food chain, that is, not unless you link the ends together. It’s more of a food cycle. EVERYTHING serves a purpose in benefiting other forms of life, including humans. What do we breathe? Oxygen, Nitrogen, and other gases. Plants make oxygen for us to breathe. But what do plants breathe? Well, technically, they don’t. But they do take in Carbon Di-Oxide (CO2) for a process called photosynthesis, which allows them to produce (exhale) oxygen. Where does that CO2 come from? Everywhere, including some of what we exhale!

What happens when death occurs to a physical body? Decomposition. And this allows the physical waste that once contained life to feed the soil, creating new growth in the form of plant life, thus feeding the cycle over again. Everything relies on everything. The entire spectrum of biodiversity on our planet wouldn’t exist without every individual part serving it’s purpose. Interconnectedness at work.


This one can be tricky to some people. We all tend to think “I want this…” or “I am…” and so forth. Yet we never really take into consideration that we may not be an “I”, but more of a “We”. Let me put it this way, for those who are naturally skeptical, or hold steadfast to your current beliefs, and are wary to consider this crazy concept. Psychology has taught us so far that we have two major portions to the human mind; the sub-conscious and the outer, more prevalent and controllable conscious, which I vote we call the epi-conscious.

These two portions of who we are have radically different functions, and equally different ways of managing those functions.

The sub-conscious is deep, mysterious, and remains hidden in shadows. It is full of symbolism, control, and (supposedly) our basic programming. It’s the part of us that we don’t really have access to, yet has more control over us than we do ourselves.

Then there’s our epi-conscious. It’s the part of us that we think of when referring to “I”. It’s where we think, call forth memories, focus our intentions, and so much more. As far as we’re concerned, it is who we are.

Yet these two consciousnesses form the whole of our mind, two different forms, two sides of the same coin if you will. One consciousness fragmented into two. So wouldn’t it be fair to claim that just based on the argument of epi- vs sub-consciousness, that “I” am really a “We”?

Now throw in the idea of interconnectedness. Expand your mind a bit and imagine that we are all really just one giant consciousness fragmented billions of times. It’s not so far fetched as you may think. Let’s say you believe in the Abrahamic God (the God of Christians, Muslims, and Jews). Holy texts say that we were made in God’s image. We always assume that this is a physical image, yet look at the physical differences in humans. Cultural, geographical, and familial differences change the shape, color, and features of every human that has ever lived. How can so many different physical traits come from one image? Wouldn’t it make more sense to believe that the image we were mirrored from is much more than these limited, temporary bodies? I think so. In fact, I would go so far as to say that the human consciousness is the only trait our species carries that could be said to mirror that of a deity.

So let’s just accept the fact that we are all a sliver of a larger consciousness. Whether you want to call it God, the Universe, a higher power, or any other title. That leaves us with the original question of the post; the Why?


It’s a tricky word, purpose. It can be seen as the instructions for a task, the reason or motivation for a movement or action, or more commonly, as in “What is my purpose in life?”

I think most people can agree that we all have a purpose in life. Maybe that purpose is to spread the word of your faith. Maybe it is t save lives, or build houses, or compose a symphony. Hell, maybe it’s to win four Olympic gold medals. Who knows, right?


We all have a singular purpose. Everything else is a decision, whether made for personal reasons, or because of deeper motives (including sub-conscious stimuli). I have talked about this very briefly in a previous post, but I wanted to make sure it was known. Our purpose, our reason for being, is to experience. That’s it. Pretty simple huh? We are here to experience whatever it may be that is available to be experienced. The universe, emotions, science, music, history, pain, pleasure, labor, depravity, compassion, and so much more. If IT (whatever IT may be) exists, or has the potential to exist, then IT must be experienced.

Again, call it God, or the Universe, or a higher power, or what have you, but existence is curious, and wants to know. We were made in its image, and aren’t we naturally curious beings?

The concept of our purpose comes from the scientific notion of quantum probability, and how conscious observation literally changes reality. This is something I will definitely delve into more in another Omniverse post. For now, I just wanted to leave you with the impression that you, and I, are really just a We, and that we are all here for the same reason.

As always, I’m not here to preach some crazy, New-Age religion. Nothing I will ever state in any of these posts will be to diminish your beliefs in any way. If anything there will most likely be a complimentary factor involved. A way to help you see your own faith in a new light, a perspective on it you may not have noticed before. At least, that’s what I hope to do.

Until next time, I hope to hear back from you. What are you thoughts and opinions about this concept? Do you agree? Do you disagree? Why? Also, one final question, what is it that you want to experience with your lifetime?