Interlude to Sentimental Me - Book Spotlight

Posted on the 28 June 2016 by Gopalakrishnan K @gopalmadhav
In this post we are going to see a spotlight on the book Interlude to sentimental me!. This is the second book of author Michael Barry Judkins. Let us see in detail about the author and the book. 

Author Bio
Michael Barry Judkins was born in the Bronx, New York, along with his four brothers and sisters. Michael’s childhood memories, although bittersweet, provided a rich foundation for him to draw upon later in life as an accomplished author.

Delightful memories of trips to the zoo or picking apples with his mother contrast greatly to daily reminders of what any hard-working family must battle in building a life in an urban setting. Domestic violence. Drugs. Gangs. All play their part in shaping a person – whether for good or bad is often an individual’s choice.
After spending years immersed in typical, reactive adolescent behaviors like skipping school, smoking and drinking, Michael began experimenting with other alternatives to developing new relationships and helping resolve social issues. As he took these first, proactive steps to be part of the solution, and not the problem, the germ of the idea for his first book – Sentimental Me – was born.
Graduating from high school a year early, and after a foray into the music business, Michael completed a BS degree in Human Services and MS in Mental Health Counseling. A daydreamer for as long as he can remember, Michael’s inability to forge a relationship with his beloved father before he passed when Michael was only two years old still haunts him today. His mother’s cherished memories of his father’s spirit and honored Armed Forces service, while providing some solace, also serve to make Michael wonder what might have been, if only…Today, with several poetry collections and short stories in the works, Michael’s first release – Sentimental Me – displays his ability to wrest good from bad, to display the courage to dig deep within himself to help others. Through an inspired melding of his unique voice and inspiring photographic images of nature, Michael provides the reader with a unique perspective of the human condition, inspiring others to follow their own creative paths without boundaries.
Michael now resides in Allentown, P.A., and welcomes all readers to feel free to contact him at to discuss your reaction to his work, or learn more about upcoming releases.
Connect with the author:  Website  ~  Twitter  ~  Facebook

Sentimental Me!Sentimental Me – displays his ability to wrest good from bad, to display the courage to dig deep within himself to help others. Through an inspired melding of his unique voice and inspiring photographic images of nature, Michael provides the reader with a unique perspective of the human condition, inspiring others to follow their own creative paths without boundaries.

Buy Sentimental Me: Amazon
Interlude to Sentimental Me!

A collection of emotionally driven poetry that covers the story of pain, tribulations, happiness, self-esteem and self discovery through love and heartache. The Interlude will take readers on a journey of determination and imagery, which leads to the formation ofshort stories and performance poetry.

Buy Interlude to Sentimental Me:Amazon  ~   Google play  ~  Smashwords  ~  Kobo  ~   Aois21market
Who should buy this ?So this is a book I would suggest to all my poetry aficionados. The striking images and the perspective of the author is indeed really refreshing. Although a wannabe poet, I can say for sure that this book will be good to read. There is a lyrical video of the poem available in youtube. Check that and decide for yourself.

The short interview I had with the author is as follows:ME: What is your creative process?Author: My creative process starts with an idea or a title. I’m a visual emotional person that expresses feelings and creates a story behind that feeling! It can start with one word or a visual piece of art and the creative words, idea, formation and what I want to portray comes across on paper.

ME: What is your next project?Author: I have several projects in discussion right now. First, I’m recording some of the poetry in this collection with music later in June 2016, which will be my second vocal recording of poetry. In addition, I'm filming a documentary later this fall 2016 about my writing, back story, and journey. That project will allow the reader to gain a closer look into my life and why I write.

Me: Do you have another profession besides writing?Author: Yes! I’m a Master level Mental Health Counselor and license Behavioral Specialist working with children, adolescents and adults in the mental health/behavioral support field. I've work in mental health for over 16 years. Also, I’m programmer/ DJ at WDIY 88.1 FM Lehigh Valley NPR station and, inspiring A&R with music.

Me: What advice would you give to the budding writers?Author: The only advice I would give any writer or person wanting to live a dream is to keep going and don’t stop! Whether you’re selling chapbooks, full collections, novels, comic books or booklets... Keep going! Don’t let sales determine your potential to create and foster a better world through your words.

Me: Do you write every day?Author: No, I don’t. However, I can get an idea or title and start to create the piece. Sometimes, I write based on my moods and current circumstances in life. So, I don’t write every day, yet, I'm always creating!