Today is International Badge Day! IBD was created by the National Panhellenic Organization as a day for all greek women and alumni to wear their badge over their heart and celebrate sisterhood. On my way to class I saw so many women wearing badge attire. It made me excited to know that there are so many greeks on my campus. All of these womens' lives have been touched by their sorority, and mine is no different.
Being Greek means more to me than I ever imagined. I gained instant friendships with a whole chapter of girls in one day. I knew that being siters meant something special. Sisters are more than friends. No matter what we do or where we go, we will always have a sister near. I didn't realize how many Greeks I knew until I was one. Several friends from high school are in sororities on other campuses. One is an Alpha Gam at Auburn University. I also have greek family members. I knew this before I rushed, but it never meant anything to me until now. I have cousins who are Alpha Omicron Pi and Pi Kappa Alpha, my aunt was an Alpha Omicron Pi, and my uncle was a Pi Kappa Phi.
I love proving greek stereotypes wrong. We work so hard to make good grades. We collectively do an extremely large number of service hours, and support each others philanthropies. We like to have fun, but we are not all partiers like the media portrays. My chapter is probably the most diverse on campus. We are all so different and have different opinions on everything. We don't always like each other, but we always love each other. Knowing that there are thousands of sisters out there who would love each other immediately after meeting is special. That is one of the most important things I've learned as an Alpha Gam. I also learned that it takes three Alpha Gams to get Jessica out of a tree, Jessie is too tall for the playground, and Maddie falls like a baby giraffe. (sisterhood retreat... long story)

Love you Fletch!
Memories with my sisters is a whole other post. Expect many of them!