It’s Weekend Walkabout over at KB’s Room and Sundays in My City at Unknown Mami’s.
Months of planning, weeks of preparation, days of house cleaning and yard work… all culminated in one day. The graduation party.

Don't ask, this is what she wanted on the cake.
The weather forecast about 10 days out was a beautiful day of 78 and no rain. As the date got closer a chance of rain was added in… then the chances increased until finally it was 70%. I told everyone, “I don’t care what they say, it’s not going to rain. It’s just not”, and I went about my business.
Saturday came. It was a gorgeous summer day of about 85 degrees. I was abnormally relaxed. Whatever would happen, would happen, right? I mean if it did for some reason — actually rain… it’s not like I can do anything about it. Of course we did have about 100 guests coming and my house holds like 5. lol. So we put up the canopies and I had a glass of wine (actually a half a box — whoever invented wine in a box is a genius) . The rain held off until much later in the afternoon and it was a complete monsoon for about 30 minutes. No one complained. In fact, they could have run for the living room… but everyone just sat and waited it out. The rain poured off the canopy tops, formed big sloppy puddles, and super soaked everything. Some danced in it, twirled in it, drank in it, laughed in it.
And then that was it; it was over; the sun came back out and it was a beautiful day. My pool was crystal clear, the trampoline got a workout, the putting greens were enjoyed by all ages, cornhole was a huge hit, and best of all we enjoyed time with family, friends, and neighbors.
What more could a girl ask for?
How about people showing up with trays of bakery? Yep, right out of the blue, the table filled up with wonderful treats! My sister
inherited our grandmothers perfect sugar cookie baking gene (actually, her cookies might actually be better!). These are caps decorated in both schools colors (high school and college).
The menu was delish and included kielbasi/sauerkraut, rigatoni, chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, pasta salad, squash salad, and tossed salad. My mom (as usual) was an incredible help with cooking. I didn’t get a pic of the feast… I was working on said box of wine.
All and all… I think the “Zen lesson” is: Who cares if they call for rain. Just go with it. Laugh in it, visit in it, enjoy yourself in it. You cannot control the weather; you can only control how you react to it.
“The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.”
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Giveaway: Zen-postcards! Hurry!