Into the Wild- Film Review and My Dream

Posted on the 16 January 2013 by Gracem16 @TSITR_Gracie
Hey guys,
So I thought I would tempt myself with the film "In the Wild" little did I know how much an impact this would have on me. It teaches us about morals, about truth, about culture and control; it teaches us to ask ourselves are we really free? A true story about a man named Christopher McCandless who in the space of 2hr and 22 minutes has become a true idol. A man who ripped up all the rules of convention, of getting a job, settling down and living life like any other 24 year old man. He went to Alaska on foot and took the world into his hands. I don't want to ruin any endings so please don't look it up unless you want to ruin the film.
However; things can be taken from the film, the nature of the human spirit and how we live in a world of materialism and power.We destroy our countrysides to populate and grow the villages into towns, towns into cities, cites into multiple cities. We destroy all that is natural around us and we forget how beautiful our world is, how we live, we breathe. We forget to go exploring, we forget to explore how great this world is and how it is on our front door. The only hindered aspect  is money, I only need to read the paper for five seconds to find out more people loosing jobs, more people loosing money, more people getting raises. And how can we go exploring when we are so limited by the Government  I am not insulting them in anyway, it is just I as a University student would love to be able to go traveling once I get a degree. But, everything comes down to money, I will have to have a job working; to pay off my debts and I will have to work hard to achieve something I want so much. My parents were able to get jobs easily as teenagers, now I literally have to work  hard to get money. This is why I try and venture out to try and new ventures; I have done countless surveys, Youtube, writing a blog all to achieve this one dream. To just go traveling.
In ways I am glad to have determination, I am glad I want to succeed and thrive. But what else that makes me upset is the fact the degrees can be handed out on a plate; degrees that seem worthless in my eyes. Golf management anyone? That is all but fair if you believe that you will gain a successful job from that. My head of sixth form suggested that I do Creative Writing; as the grades for English were too high. Putting my trust into one university has paid off and now here I am doing what I wanted to do. I strive to succeed even if I'm advised that it is worthless.
So "In the Wild" has taught me to not give up, to keep perusing that dream and if people tell me to give up on Yotube, to give up on my book and to give up on my dream they will know the answer; no. I advise each and everyone on you; no matter how big or small your dream is to never give up on it. If you wish to go traveling then keep working hard to go pursue that. Don't give up.