Invisalign – Smiling Again With Confidence

Posted on the 25 July 2014 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

My best friend and I got married within months of each other – she got married in November 1996 and I, in February 1997. We both have sons, some months apart. Interestingly, we go through similar milestones and one of them is our sons’ dental issues. While she sought an Invisalign orthodontist in Boca Raton,I went to an orthodontist referred by my son’s school following a health check. During our weekly conversation, my friend was talking about the confidence boost her son is enjoying from having Invisalign straighten his teeth. So I decided to ask our orthodontist about this wonderful option.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is the cosmetic alternative to metal braces that are commonly recommended for straightening teeth that are not aligned. Unlike their metal counterparts, these are practically invisible so no one knows you are wearing braces.  They are used not only to align teeth, but also close gaps between teeth. The technology is innovative and Invisalign can be used by both children and adults to restore their brilliant smiles.

My son had the problem of crowding and prognathism. When we talked to the orthodontist he suggested Invisalign as one of the options. Some teeth had to be removed and the remaining, aligned with braces. When we asked how long the treatment would take, he said the time could range anywhere from nine to twelve months and mainly depend on the correction involved.

How does Invisalign work?

Simply put, the doctor uses computerized technology and 3D modeling to fabricate aligners that are made to fit the teeth to be corrected. A set of aligners are made. These are changed once in 15 days and the teeth gradually become straighter. The biggest advantage  is, unlike metal braces that are fitted to the teeth with wires and brackets, the Invisalign aligners can be taken off while brushing teeth and while eating.

Of course, how effectively it works depends on patient compliance. Invisalign must be worn exactly as per the doctor’s instructions which means the number of hours per day. Once the braces come off, a custom retainer is fitted to help the teeth settle into their new positon.

Straight teeth are not just a cosmetic benefit. When our teeth are properly aligned, it helps maintain good oral hygiene besides helping us chew our food properly and eat well, and of course, speak articulately. Health on one side – there’s the benefit of confidence too.

When the teeth are not aligned, there’s embarrassment. I remember a cousin of mine who always hesitated to smile. If she did smile, she’d cover her month. It became a habit and she always seemed to be covering her mouth for fear of being laughed at. She no longer does this – someone suggested Invisalign to her and she went ahead and got her teeth straightened.

So now, our orthodontist is exploring Invisalign for my son. Factors in its favor:

  • More comfortable
  • Easy to maintain
  • Convenient for better hygiene
  • Invisible – so no teasing at school.  It is not fun to be called metal mouth

Metal braces have to be adjusted every month and feel really strange when they’re worn the first time. They are uncomfortable although one gets used to them. Hygiene can be an issue if not diligently taken care of. In fact, even brushing is a tough job. When they finally come off, which is usually a couple of years later, the teeth are discolored and take some cleaning.

I know the choice is ours. Invisalign is an attractive option to straighten teeth. And then there’s my friend’s recommendation about how it has boosted her son’s confidence – and I trust her. So maybe we’ll also go in for it.

Have you or someone you know tried Invisalign to align teeth?

Would love to know in the comments! (And tell me if you smiled today!)

Day 25 of the Ultimate Blogging Challenge July 2014

BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo July 2014

P.S.: Tomorrow and the day after – that’s Saturday and Sunday I will be live-blogging from Goa where I am spending the week with 50 other bloggers courtesy BlogAdda and Tata Motors to enjoy the “Zest” experience – Please do stay tuned! I’ll also be sharing photos on my Facebook timeline!


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