Today is February 20th, meaning the Sun has entered Pisces!
Because I am a proud and stereotypical Pisces, I thought I’d share a few links with you. Chances are, you have a Pisces in your life that you’d like to better understand. Or, even better, you are a Pisces yourself!
We are also the sign of the water lily.
Here’s a really accurate overview of the Pisces Sun sign. (You can find great articles about other astrological signs on this site as well. Just type it into the search box.)
Pisces Correspondences:
Planet: Neptune
- Aloe
- Bay
- Cotton
- Eucalyptus
- Lavender
- Rue
Tree: willow
Flowers: lilac, lavender, water lily, daffodil (jonquil,) any water plant or early bloomer, like tulips.
Element: water, obviously
Animals: fish, starfish and various other aquatic animals. Also, water birds (storks, swans) and mammals (otters, whales, dolphin)
Stones: amethyst, pearl, coral, aquamarine
Colours: purple, aqua, sea foam, navy, any watery colour
Anatomy: blood, veins, lymphatic system, feet
Gods/Goddesses: Neptune, Venus, and Crone Goddesses like Hecate.
Chakra: 7th, crown chakra
Mythical Creatures: mermaids, sirens, sea monsters
A Quick Note on Astrological CorrespondencesIt’s pretty easy to see the connections between the correspondences. Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac, occurs during February/March and is represented by the fish. Therefore, every correspondence has to do with water (aqua, Neptune, blood, pearl, etc) or being “last” (Crone Goddesses, feet, 7th chakra) or seasonal occurrences (early flowers, purple – February’s colour)You can easily apply this to your own zodiac sign.
Aries, for example is the first sign in the zodiac so it is symbolic of:
The Top: as in the first of everything, cardinal numbers, best, strongest, etc
The Head: as in headstrong, opinionated, thoughtful and wisdom as embodied by owls and other associated creatures.
It is also a fire sign, so you’ll find lots of red correspondences (root chakra which is also the 1st chakra, red stones, colour red)That’s how correspondences work. SO, why don’t you take your own Sun Sign and think about:
a. the time of year and seasonal occurrences
b. the animal association or the element
c. your birthstone
See if you can make the connections yourself. It’s actually pretty easy and, once you get the hang of it, you’ll begin to see that there is a beautiful symbolic language that has existed throughout time and permeates every aspect of every culture.
Pretty amazing, right?