It’s 2 Days Away

Posted on the 30 October 2012 by Lisaloo2 @lisa_teamtracy

With National Novel Writing Month only 2 days away I’m beginning to panic a little.  I’m really not sure why. I know I can do it. 1667 words a day for 30 days is a walk in the park. My average chapter is around 2500 words. What’s got me in a panic is the fact that I have no idea what my novel is going to be about. I guess I shouldn’t say that I have no idea, I have a small idea. I have a few pieces of stories stored on my computer that were never finished. Maybe now is the time to tie them all together into one long EPIC 50,000 word piece of written art. The other thing that makes me nervous is that it’s a first draft. NO EDITING!  These people obviously don’t know me. I have this internal editor that lives inside me. She loves to come out and play.  Uploading without editing is going to kill me. I’m a perfectionist for crying out loud! Especially when it comes to my writing. I MUST EDIT! Some other writer friends of mine were giving me pep talks last night.  Telling me to throw her (my editor alter ego) in the closet and throwing away the key. I’ll do my best but it ain’t gonna be easy my friends, it ain’t gonna be easy.  You should see that I do to chapters before they actually make it to my website for publishing.

Anyway, I just need to stop over thinking it. I just have to accept that it’s a rough draft and get over it. Right?