Self Expression Magazine

It's Been a While...

Posted on the 19 September 2012 by Annadicus @annadicus
  It has been too crazy around here! Just a long story short...
  • It's Zombies vs. Humans week on campus so everyone is running around like crazy people trying not to get tagged.
  • Housing is hosing the TARH conference this year in February and it is zombie themed...of course. So we took pictures last night all zombiefied. 
  • SGA is getting off to a wonderful start this year! As the Campus Observations chair, I am so excited for all of the beneficial and worthwhile projects coming out of my committee! You all will be hearing about those gradually.
  • I got my student teaching application turned in on Friday and my portfolio was checked off on by my advisor as well. All I have to do is include 2 more pieces of evidence from classes that I am in this semester and I'm done with it! I am so excited to find out where I will be student teaching too! I hope it is somewhere in Martin because I love these schools! 
  • My sister turns 14 in October. My dad is taking her backpacking in the Smoky Mountains! I went as a young 7 or 8 years old and loved it but I'm not so sure about it now. The phrase "roughing it" doesn't even describe it. More to come on that later as well.
  • Oh, and all of you kindergarten teachers...if you have any ideas or know of any blogs/websites I can visit to find lessons and activities you would be saving my life right now. I start visiting my kindergarten kiddos on Friday! Pray for me! ;)

  Well since I have been a busy busy bee lately I think I'm just going to stick with a link up and some pictures. The link up today is coming from Framed Frosting! It's all about me, myself, and I!
1. When you're feeling down, what do you do to pick yourself up?
Normally, I like to crawl in my bed, grab Kirby (the stuffed frog), and close my eyes. There is nothing more comforting to me than to just close your eye and breathe. I also love to paint and craft when I'm down or stressed. I just put all of my emotion into the work.
2. If you had to live in a different time period, which would you prefer?
Can we just go back to the 90's where Spice Girls and Nsync were the greatest things since sliced bread? Where I could watch Sailor Moon and Full House all day? Where I could ride my bike outside and build forts in my backyard? Yeah...those were the days.
3. What is the most creative Halloween costume you've ever worn?
I definitely was dressed as a Hershey's Kiss one year. My Mawmaw actually made the costume. I can't decide if that was the best one or the pumpkin when I was like 2. Ehhh...definitely the pumpkin. I have a picture of that Halloween. I will scan it soon. Absolutely. Precious.
4. Five weird things about you we wouldn't know without being told?
-Apparently I have a large obsession with glitter. My staff reminds me every day.
-I have to eat my mozzarella sticks with ranch or caeser dressing.
-My staff has also labeled me with a theme song. (ass. ass. ass. ass. ass.)
-I have a deep deep love for cranberry juice!
-I love wearing Kyle's clothes. Something about them being a little baggy and smelling like him just makes me feel so content.
5. What would you tell your 16-year-old self?
Your best friends...Liz, Jennifer, Amber, Jessica, Beth, matter where you go or how long you go without talking you will always be best friends. These girls will never turn on you nor will they ever stop loving you. You will get to college and think you have to make new friends because your others are gone and that's totally false. These are your babes and they are perfect!
It's Been a While...I was on the social program committee and we put on a rave! It was awesome! 
It's Been a While...Um...I don't know what faces zombies make honestly. But yeah...zombie Anna going to take TARH committee pictures!
It's Been a While...Peace. Love. ADPi. OBIC!
It's Been a While...Second night of formal IFC rush. 
It's Been a While...Last night of rush. (Informal) We decided to play around. Yeah I cheered and yeah I was a flyer. My favorite days! :)It's Been a While...All of our SAE True Gentlemen!
It's Been a While...Me. Kyle. Charles. 
It's Been a While...SGA.We have our EC, chairs, advisor, and 2 recent additions to senate in this picture.
It's Been a While...Me. Kyle. Katie.
It's Been a While...I absolutely love this picture!
Link up at Framed Frosting and have a wonderful Wednesday lovelies!  
It's Been a While...

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