It’s Halloween Week! Let’s Celebrate!

Posted on the 25 October 2011 by Bunnysunday @missbunnysunday

I like to honour the spirit of Lisa Simpson. Without her, I would have been a lost little nerd-child.

On the first night of Halloween week, many witches spend the evening setting up a Halloween altar to honour the dead, similar to Mexican Day of the Dead celebrations. Tonight (October 24th) is also the Night of Seers, a Soul Night in honour of those who have seen the future. As part of the Pagan celebration of Samhain, witches may spend this evening celebrating the prophets and visionaries who have influenced their lives.

It’s not as esoteric as it sounds.

A prophet could be an innovator or an influential mind, somebody who’s work was “before their time.” Take, for example, Vincent van Gogh who didn’t sell a single painting in his lifetime but who is now one of the most famous artists in the world.

The recently departed Steve Jobs is an excellent example of a visionary who will undoubtedly be celebrated in many Pagan homes this evening.

Frida Kahlo is my personal visionary. She was avant-garde in all areas of her life. She was a tequila swigging, cigarette smoking, bisexual in an era when women were supposed to be demure and soft spoken. She had an open marriage, refused to groom her unruly facial hair and painted shocking images. She kept monkeys and a deer as pets. She wore rings on every finger and flowers in her hair. She adopted a traditional Tehuana style of dress when everyone else was wearing European fashions.

I love her.

Frida Kahlo continues to be a constant source of inspiration and a personal hero. I celebrate her tonight and think of her often in the days leading up to Samhain.

For those of you interested in incorporating the Pagan Soul Nights celebrations into your Halloween revelry:

October 24 – Night of the Seers

Celebrates ancestors and historical figures who have dealt with the supernatural, foreseen the future or are visionaries in their profession or talent.

October 25 – Night of the Heroes & Martyrs

Celebrates ancestors and historical figures who have perished in war or who have died for their faith, their convictions, or freedom. Joan of Arc and Marie Antoinette might be honoured on this night.

October 26 – Night of the Artists

Celebrate artists, writers, dancers and musicians in your family and throughout history. So many fantastic bohemians to choose from…

October 27 – Night of the Nurturers

Celebrates ancestors who have nurtured and taken care of those in need. Mothers are particularly celebrated as well as the Virgin Mary.

October 28 – Night of Remembrance for Pets and Animals

Celebrates beloved pets who have passed away. This is also a good time to reflect on the conservation and protection of your favourite animals. Communicate with your totem animal on this night.

October 29 – Night of Remembrance of Forgotten Ancestors

Celebrates the distant ancestors who lived hundreds of years before you. Think about the countries they came from and what their lives were like. You may not know these people by name, but without them you wouldn’t exist. Reflect on the sisterhood of women and the connectedness of humankind.

October 30 – Night of the Recent Dead

Celebrate the family members and friends who have passed in your lifetime. Visit their graves or look through photo albums.

October 31 – Fire Festival

Celebrate all the departed souls by inviting them into your home or connecting with them through meditation or scrying. The veil is thin and the dead are listening.

November 1 – Day of the Innocents (Día de los Inocentes)

This is the Mexican celebration of children and infants who have passed on. Put fresh flowers on your altar and leave cookies out as an offering to them.

November 2 – Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos)

This second day of celebration in Mexico honours departed adults. Share tequila shots, leaving one on your altar for spirits to drink.