I sit saddened by these words I am about to share. One of my dear bosses, colleague, and friend passed away suddenly. I just heard hours ago. I can't even begin to describe this special lady. I feel as though I am still in shock. I don't want to get all sad on y'all because she knew the Lord, lived a happy life, but its just too soon. Too soon for me, and too soon for others who have not met her yet.
Here I was yesterday asking about office decor {which is not all that important}, and now I am completely in awe. I am in awe of life and it's precious moments. These times help us to reevaluate things and look to what is most important. This blog, though I love it, is nothing compared to loved ones and those we care about.
Life is about cherished moments and I know now that life has certain meaning. Do not waste this time given, but embrace it for the moment it is. I am surely going to do that. I hope you will too. Prayers for her family and close friends and the rest of us who knew her. We can learn so much from others and we can certainly learn so much from loss.
This life is certainly not a lost cause.