In truth, I hardly ever get time to read them. I was given a copy of Company magazine before it was released when I attended the blogger awards at the end of May but I still haven’t got round to reading it yet. My friends and family pass on the magazines they have finished with, so I have an optimistic little pile of things to look at, but I can’t seem to sit still for long enough to have a proper read.
So this month I have decided to make a little more time for myself and have invested in issue twenty-nine of Mollie Makes. As I flicked through it in the shop, I was actually about to put it back on the magazine rack (for the reasons above, no offense to the magazine intended at all) when a page caught my eye. It was this tutorial for an American quilt and I have been collecting scraps of fabric to make this exact type of quilt all year, so that sold it to me and I handed over my cash there and then.
I’m also pleased with the little giveaway project on the front of the magazine – something else that I will need to sit still and concentrate on this month! I’m suitably impressed that a needle and thread is even included in this little fishy keyring kit, so there really is no excuse for not doing it. I will let you know how I get on… and now I’ve promised that, I’ll actually have to do it!
So, tell me, what do like to read when you get a spare moment to yourself? Do you subscribe to any magazines? Any recommendations for me to try next month? Leave me a comment below or tweet me @CassiefairyTutu