Self Expression Magazine

It’s Not Pinterest, But It’s My Pin Board

Posted on the 22 May 2012 by Steph's Scribe @stephverni

It’s Not Pinterest, But It’s My Pin Board* * *

Dear Readers,

Today I spent the morning cleaning my office at home. I’ve been trying to write a short story, and it’s tough to be inspired in a cluttered mess. The disaster in the office is the result of a busy and rewarding semester, in addition to the chaos of getting my book published and promoting it. I had little time to organize it, and the piles just built up. Trust me: it really, really, really needed to be dissected. This resulted in some great finds; I took some time to reflect on the lovely cards and well-wishes people have sent me over the last few months as the book launched. It was wonderful to look over the cards (I still love cards, paper, books in paper format, etc.—I hope they never go away!), and I decided to dress the bulletin board in my office with these sentiments. Maybe I was just a little inspired by Pinterest, but I wanted the inspiration right there in the room with me—so I can see it—to remind me that I have a fantastic support system around me. As I begin to tackle another project, it provides me not only with comfort, but it also acts as a cheerleading board, whispering, as Nike says, “Just Do It.”

For all the loving, encouraging, kind words friends and family have sent me over the last few months, it is with tremendous gratitude that I thank you. Thanks for taking the time to jot me a note or send a card. And to those of you who have said kind words to me over Facebook, in text messages or emails, attended my Book Talk, or called me on the phone, don’t think I’ve forgotten you just because it’s not on the bulletin board: this board represents all the love that has been sent my way, no matter in what form it arrived.

With love,

It’s Not Pinterest, But It’s My Pin Board

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