It's Ok

Posted on the 14 March 2013 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
It's Thursday so it's another week of It's OK with Neely and Amber. I absolutely love this blog hop because it gives me a chance to vent in a constructive way without being so whiny. haha

It's OK..
To have a bad day and not really care about anything! (Saturdays)
To want to sleep all day and not get out of bed
To not want to wear make up to work
To be BEYOND excited for one of my bestest to come to AZ and my parents
To love sports and not able to go to many Spring Training games. (I've only been to 1 game & 1 World Baseball Classic.)
To go to the a dog store, hold a puppy then now want another puppy. I already had him named Brewer. (Yes, after the Milwaukee Brewers.)
To watch The Lying Game. I'm slightly obsessed!
To want lose weight but not want to work out. (I've been horrible about walking up to go work out.)
To start training for a Half Marathon at Disney World. (Tink is my absolutely FAVORITE)
To want to start making changes in my life and being scared and excited all at the same time.
That's all I have for right now. Have a GREAT Thursday everyone!!