It’s Over

Posted on the 09 November 2016 by Laurken @stoicjello

He shall henceforth be known as His Royal Hairness.

I kid. I kid. I offer President Trump my congratulations. His participation in this race was crass, vulgar, dismissive and overall, brilliant.

Donald, in all his 24k glory, is to be commended for listening intently to what leftist elitists refused to hear. Now, Hillary lost because of Hillary. I could include a laundry list of more specific reasons, but the Painsuit is no longer relevant. I thank her for her service, not for her self service, and wish her the best. She deserves to rest and a lead quiet life out of the limelight and perhaps rethink her campaign and she did and didn’t do. She lost to Trump and he won not as some great unifier. He won for his role as a repairman.

Let me explain–who do you call when your house is broken, the address: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and the Homeowners Association members are getting tired of leaving, mailing or physically handing over mandates to the homeowner to fix all the problems. So when you’re at your wits end and the DIY bandaids you tried to make things better failed in every way possibly, you call a repairman.

Don’t be dazzled by Trump’s his $18,000 Armani suit; underneath that exquisite material are well worn blue jeans and exposed butt crack. Trump can talk to blue collar types, no collar types. People of color, different religions. He can belly up to the bar, pound back a few beers and talk shit with a Teamster about real world issues…the issues in THEIR world. A driver with a family of four and barely scraping by isn’t going to be concerned about an iceberg that’s melted a few inches over the past ten years. GreenPeaceniks can trash him because he lacks ecological awareness, but he wouldn’t care. Feeding his family is all he cares about.

Then, after two beers with Billy Juan LeShawn NormalGuy, he can be dressed in full tuxedo dining at the tony Masa restaurant in NYC, talking to an OPEC minister about the FIFA championship, and be just as comfortable.

He can talk to a police officer and listen to his frustration over the limitations o and dangers of his job. He understands the concerns of the 22 year old Latina who can’t find a job after getting her college sheepskin. There’s the Black man in middle management who wife has Stage 2 breast cancer and his pathetic healthcare coverage is killing them both, her physically, him. spiritually. He’s spoken to groups livid about crime in their neighborhoods. He met a Vietnam vet who survived many firefights, but is now dying on the bureaucratic battlefield in his own hometown, two miles from amVA hospital.. He’s spoken at length with teachers across the country who are underpaid and so constricted they can’t even teach their students how to spell C-O-M-M-O-N C-O-R-E. He’s shaken hands with steelworkers, miners and energy workers who haven’t work in months. He’s spoken to women as humans who want equal opportunities, and not made to feel like victims because of their gender. He shattered PC rhetoric, sexist rhetoric and gave the Republicans a much needed wake-up call unlike anything the party has ever seen before. It was long overdo.

Let’s be realistic–repairing is possible, uniting isn’t. It’s not in us. Now, horrific terror attacks and natural disasters bring us together, but it’s always short-lived. To appease some, he’ll anger others. So, what he needs to do, is everything. And I mean everything.

He must level the playing field and the Great Equalizer on top of being a repairman. Reduce the distance between the haves and have nots. And no, I’m not talking about socialism of any kind. He must assist the poor without punishing the rich. He must create access to affordable healthcare that benefits both doctor and patient. If someone doesn’t have healthcare because they can’t afford it due to job less, them Trump needs to create more jobs. Keep factories here. Encourage new companies to build. He must help turn Mr. Unemplayed into Mr. Self Sustaining. He must encourage social and cultural progress in the innner city, but not through free hand outs, but certainly by lending a hand.

Trump can’t unite, but he can accommodate; even pacify, when need be. I feel we’ll learn his candor, fearlessness and his skills as a successful CEO are his best traits which will rebuild global confidence and in doing so, will rebuild confidence within ourselves as Americans.

Many have said he doesn’t have the temperment to be president. Why? Because he defended himself? Until last night, I don’t think we’ve ever had a president who’s ever had the proper temperament. We’ve had many spineless puppets and enough narcicists tompopulate Yemen. We’ve had wimps. BIg wimps ehomtraipsed perilously close to treason. Look how many times demeaning salvos were launched in his direction. Trump character assassinations were atop every TV News Director’s show rundown. He’d get attacked, he’d counter attack, Sun Tsu style. The Art of War meets The Art of The Deal.

Many members of the media said he pandered to his core. Well, for starters his “core” was bigger than anyone imagined and he simply spoke to them as they spoke to him. Angry was replaced with pissed. Defeating ISIS became ‘kick their asses” He understood the plight of the forgotten middle man of all walks of life who got angrier snd angrier every election year. They had his ear and they spoke freely and in terms unintelligible to Hillary Clinton. She remained elitist and arrogant and spoke in soundbites. She grossly underestimated Trump and his minions while the overestumating her chances at winning. After almost 25 years of being in our collective consciousness as Firet Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State, she just became too much and at the same time, not enough. Hillary Clinton failed.

The biggest difference I saw in this election is that Hillary wanted votes. Trump wanted happier, satisfied fellow Americans.

Once again, when something is broken and you can’t fix it, you call someone who can. You call a repairman.