Phew! I finally finished revamping my blog! As I finally found my comfort in setting my office, I had no reason to not blog anymore. But every time I stared at my old blog, I felt that all the sudden my inspirations and ideas got sucked into internet abyss. That crude look of my blog was simply an anti-muse. So I decided I needed a layout that is more "me". So here it is, my new blog. In a way that header stand for what I strive for in life -- to make something that is original, practical, yet slightly romantic and girlie from something that is natural or recycled.
All the sudden, there is a click in my brain. So now it all becomes clear. In last term, my teachers and classmates often used the phrase "This is so YOU!" or "This isn't your style." I was frustrated by these two comments as I was puzzled by the definition of "my style". What IS my style? Having put all my energy and effort into my assignments and projects, it was mind-boggling to hear them tell me that something isn't my style. I mean after all I created THAT! Now I finally realize what defines my style.
Isn't it funny how life mysteries work themselves out in these sneaky ways? It is okay to be puzzled and frustrated. The important thing is don't stop. Keep experimenting and exploring, and you will eventually find the answer. That revelation is such an exhilarating experience that is psychologically addictive.
Sometimes, a walk in nature does do the trick. It is in observing nature that we find the simplest yet unique beauties in the world.