It's Summer Time!

Posted on the 20 June 2012 by Thecomfortablebaker @andisapplecakes
Phew! It's a hot one out there!  I hate hate hate when it's hot. I live in the Northeast for a reason, dammit! Alright enough b*tching.
So Watervliet is underway, and Delmar is doing great! Up next is Vorheesville for a week... I'll be there next Friday, June 29th for a one time only engagement! With my busy work schedual and other items, that I will share at a latter date, pressing upon my full plate, I have decided to only do three farmers markets this year, Watervliet, Coyemans, and Delmar. It just so happens that I can fit this Voorheesville one in so, I'm gonna! So watch out for me all you voorheesvillians(?) and I'll see you in a week and change.
I'm currently testing busicuts out at Fred the Butcher, if all goes well they will make their way on to the regular circulation of famers markets. And super exciting this week...Duck Eggs!! I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them yet...but I hear cake is the way to go, as with the added protien, they rise and rise!
Can't wait to see more folks out, and make new friends! See you soon!