I have a humongous favour to ask. Will you answer a quick survey for me?
It only takes a few minutes and it's totally anonymous {unless you're my Mom} I'll recognize your sass, Momma.
My Mom likes to use words like ... "Where's my Piña Colada?! I want to live on an island. You never call me anymore. I think I saw a hair growing on your chin. I love you. You're my favourite kid, don't tell your brother."
I'll know her answers from a mile away. For everyone else, just so you know, it's truly anonymous and there aren't any trick questions.
It's all Easy. Sneasy. Peasy.Wonderful you.
This survey is about your voice. Get heard.

Kickass stuff. Let's talk numbers, dollars and sense. Here are some course ideas that I'm dreaming up for you...
1. How to earn moola with your blog. How I earn time income from blogging. Yup. Left my day job. Doing it. Working in my jammies. Shhhhh. Here's the thing. It's not about the money. No one should ever start a blog for money. Ever. It's about passion. LOVE. Respect for your readers annnnnnnnd yet you gotta eat while your working (hence the money part)
2. How to grow your online presence. How I became the top 1% of social media influencers, worldwide. This is a game changer in biz. I'll share the inside scoop of how to get there.
3. How to create beautiful photos for your blog, Instagram, Pinterest, your business, your brand, your everything! You NEED fantastic photos to succeed. NEED. We're all working in a crowded online landscape. I'll show you how to create bright, beautiful photos that will stand out in the crowd. It's EASY to do... with little to no equipment and fahhhhree apps. Your photos will be d'bomb diggity.
4. How to renovate an RV or small space. I'll share with you how to create a kickass, stunning wanderlust machine of awesomeness for your travels. I'll show you how to create the space that is beautifully warm, comfy and stunning all at once. How cool is that??!
5. How to create a highly successful vacation rental. I'll tell you my secrets of how I earn a six figure income with a part time vacation rental. For reals. Epic. PS. Build a treehouse. Just sayin'. No really, you can convert a wee cottage, a shed, a space in your home and do this. I'll show you ideas on how to think outside the box.
6. How to make your house a home. Want to know my designer secrets, tips & tricks to having a warm, welcoming, relaxed home and still have fun? Wait until you see my fave DIY projects and insider designer secrets. Anyone can do it. PS. It's not how it's done on TV. This is the real deal. DIY tutorials are the cats meow, in my book. Would you be a smitten kitten with more DIY?
So many choices ! Am I right?! HALP.
This is about you. What can I help you with? What would you pick?
Tell me what you want, what you really really want <-- I sung that in my best SPICE GIRL voice. Hint: Please say you want Channing Tatum.
Please click here for the survey... or do the survey right here on the blog...
PS. You should also know that if you don't answer the survey questions, I will give you a knuckle sandwich.
I'm totally high FIVING you right now.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my Channing Tatum loving heart.