It's That Day Again....

Posted on the 16 October 2017 by Michael C. Sahd @MichaelCSahd
I hear that today is supposed to be Motivation Monday. Bleh! Mondays are rarely motivational. However, my Monday has D&D evenings, so I am psyched about that.
Promoting my book is going exceptionally well. I have gained, from the day of publishing, 650+ Twitter followers.
My wonderful wife, aside from squeezing my stuff into her piles of things to be edited, has also been acting as an agent for me -- advertising, signing me up for interviews, and getting my book highlighted on big name blogs.
This week looks to be another busy one.
I had two coworkers read my book this past weekend, and they really want me to write more. One of them sent me a text with a string of links connecting to some books she thought I would like based on my writing. I hope to look into them at some point.
I have also won a huge number of books to read and review on LibraryThing. I'm currently reading one called The Everett Exorcism. So far, it is turning out to be a promising read. I'll let you know how it goes.
What is your Monday motivation? Read any good books lately?