It’s the Little Things That Count.

Posted on the 10 October 2011 by Scarlettandstephen

This weekend Stephen and I will celebrate 2 things:

1. Our 2-year dating anniversary on October 15.

2.  Our 6 month wedding anniversary on October 16.

In the 6 months that we’ve made it thus far in our marriage, we’ve realized, it’s the little things that count in keeping the romance alive now as a married couple.  Like, for example, we don’t buy each other cards.  We give each other cards.  It’s become a little game we play when we are grocery shopping.  We’ll split up to go pick our own food, but in the meantime, we’ll also sneak off to the card aisle and find a favorite love card.  Then we’ll sneak up behind each other and present the card for the other to “oooh” and “awww” over.  As the girl, I usually find the sentimental ones to give him, and he usually finds the ones that are like “Happy Birthday” or a holiday one, but really more, he is wanting to make me laugh with whatever cute thing is on the front.  And really, I don’t care that it’s not a love card, I just love that he loves to make me laugh.

It’s moments like grocery shopping together that I find are some of our favorite moments together.  It’s just the simplicity of sharing life with the one person in this world that completely “gets” you.  He understands my need to splurge on hot dogs on french baguettes with saurcraut.  And I understand his need to buy all the ingredients for “Butter Beer.”  And whenever a surprise card ends up in front of each other, it just makes the grocery shopping experience that much more special.