It's Time for IUI #5, Isn't It???
Posted on the 21 August 2015 by Chasingjoy
This month I switched my donor and decided to give the natural non-medicated approach a try. That means I did not go in for any ultrasound monitoring. I just used OPKs (Ovulation Predictor Kits). I have been ovulating earlier and earlier so I decided to start testing on cycle day 6. That is only 6 days after the start of my period. The tests were negative the first couple of days, as I expected. But on day 8 I was shocked to see a smiley face on the indicator. The test was positive meaning ovulation was imminent.
It's time for IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) #5. Isn't it??? Check out the video below to find out what happened with my 5th IUI. If you have trouble seeing the video click here >>IUI #5 <<.
Have any of you experienced Ovulating this early in the cycle? I'd love to hear about you experience with early ovulation and shorter cycles in the comments below.