How cute is this guy?
Workout Date: Saturday May 5th (aka Cinco de Mayo) at 9:00amMe+
I blogged last week about all of the reasons why I love the Saturday morning workout. Here are is one more. It's only 1:30pm in the afternoon and I have already completed the following:
1. workout
2. went shopping-tried on 100+ pairs of jeans, finally bought a pair (hilarious side note: my legs are so short that I bought a capri style and will be able to wear them as regular jeans-thanks mom and dad for the short legs lol) I had mentioned to Kyle that I was in the hunt for a pair of coloured jeans, but I couldn't pull the trigger on pink or red jeans. I am simply too old or too uncool-likely a combination of both.
3. picked up some groceries at Loblaws
4. got a mani/pedi (they have new shellac colours out!!)
5. took the dog for a walk
6. now I am making lunch (and writing this)!
I just re-read this and it sounds a little braggy. My point is that morning workouts are awesome. It should also be noted I will likely be napping later as well. lol.
Before our session even started and I was still in my car driving to the gym, a little pleased with myself that I was going to be early. My phone rings at 8:45am, it's Kyle. Our conversation goes like this:
Kyle "Hi Tara"
Me "Hi"
Kyle "So what's happening?"
Me "Not much, just about to be early for our workout"
Kyle "Actually you are 15 minutes late"
Me "Huh?"
Kyle "Yep"
Me "Ooops. Shoot. I could have sworn we said 9am. Ok, I will be there in 4 mins"
Kyle "Ok. See you soon. Oh and our workout will be blog-worthy."
Ah being late. Classic Gus.
Today was our make up session from Thursday. I went to Hot Yoga yesterday with a friend and my shoulders were a little sore first thing this morning, so it was perfect that we spent a ton of time warming them up today.
Here are some deets on our workout:
First we started with some sort of dynamic warm up. Which means I wasn't warming up on a piece of cardio equipment, I was using movements to prepare my muscles for the exercises we were about to do.
Our workout was as follows:
4 rounds:
-115 lb deadlift (2 45lbs + 35 lb trap bar) 10 reps
-alternating lunges with 20 lb bar & elevated with a step 10 reps on each side

4 rounds:
-neutral grip lat pull down (55 lbs) 8 reps
-single arm chest press (30 lbs) 8 reps each side
3 rounds:
-swiss ball leg curls (laying on the ground with my heels on the ball, then lift my hips and roll the ball in toward my bum) 10 reps
5 mins walking at 3.0 speed on 20.0 incline
As always Kyle obsessively times our rest 60 & 75 seconds rest in between exercises (that includes travel time in between exercises).
After my workout Kyle and I enjoyed a protein shake on the floor of his office. Tired, but feeling great. Definitely "blog-worthy". :o)
How cool is this pic?
Tonight (in case you are interested) I am heading out for Mexican food (which will include nachos+++) and to have some margaritas made in my mouth (this is an Arrested Development quote for any of you AD fans out there).Tip: If you are ever going out for just a drink with friends, I recommend a "top shelf" margarita. It's a margarita make with premium tequila-in my case Patron. It's a little more expensive-but so worth it because it taste yummy and you feel like a major baller. Thanks for the tip Michelle Malenfant.
Happy Cinco de Mayo!!
Just to recap, my top 3 favorite foods are:
1. Big Macs
2. Nachos
3. Medium Skoreo (skor & oreo mixed together) blizzards
My whole life is basically a constant battle between trying to eat these three foods on a somewhat regular basis and still fitting into my clothes.
My Trainer:
Let me comment on Tara's post …
1)Tara’s workout was awesome! (even though our scheduling was a little off) She did her lower body lifts first (deadlifts and rear leg elevated lunges), then on to her neutral-grip lat pulldown, and single arm chest press. We got everything done, including the 3 sets of hamstring curls at the end for a nice stretch. 2)100+ pairs of jeans sounds like an exaggeration … by at least 20 pairs (not as hilarious side note: were they cheaper because of your short legs ? … ha!). Not too old, cool enough for sure, but I imagine color jeans have to call out to you, and if none did, better luck next time.3)Nice job of the groceries. Mmmm … more chicken breast and walnuts4)Don’t feel like commenting on your mani/pedi5)Aww – what kind of dog? Does your dog know Sam? (my dog)6)Hope it’s a good lunch!
I’ll leave it at that, as your workout detail (complete with pictures) painted a good picture – including you drinking your protein shake on the floor of my office (I like to think I offered a chair like a proper gentleman).
Also, Tara asked me to comment/better explain why it was ok for her to do a rope pull in her “Build”workout. Here we go : One of the biggest parameters in hypertrophy work (aka Build phase, adding lean muscle, etc.) is that your muscle’s time-under-tension (TUT) is between 40-70 seconds. She performed 50 rope pulls - and they were good ones! - that took 58 seconds to accomplish (well within 40-70 seconds). She rests only 75 seconds at most and it counts as an elbow flexor/back work.
Happy Reading,
Me + My Trainer