iTunes…I Think I Love You…

Posted on the 19 March 2014 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

iTunes...I think I love you

I have resisted the Apple phenomenon as long as I could, I am possibly one of about 100 people in the Universe that doesn’t own an iPhone, and at this point I don’t see that coming.

On that note, I do adore my mini iPad, and once I opened that door, it was like a floodgate.

And then my friend Deedre informed me that they had concerts. Free concerts. I though hmm, that is interesting…and then I saw Keith, and I was like…oh oh oh ohhhhhh…IN.

As you all know, I LOVE Keith Urban, and I unfortunately couldn’t make it to his concert this year, due to my Javascript subscription.

This made up for it 2000%.

iPad…earplugs, it was nearly like being there, but closer, and seriously my ears were ringing afterwards just like I had gone to the concert, except I watched in my pajamas, on my couch, warm and snuggly.

Okay, it isn’t exactly the same, but it was better than nothing. And I have now watched it twice.

The Concerts are streamed on the site, the link is here if you want to check it out (scroll to the bottom), there were lots of other cool bands too, like these guys…and for the record, Willie Nelson can still rock it, and his kid Lukas is fabulous!!


The greatest part of this whole thing was that it was free. Well it started free, and then I started to look around iTunes and I was like hey, I am really in need of some new tunes right now…

Ya, that’s where I could possibly need some supervision, 100 songs and $80 later, I am set up with some fairly decent country music.

Bruce is in hell.

I just keep telling him that country music won’t kill him no matter what he thinks. He doesn’t seem to believe me.

I have to say that homework goes faster when your head is full of music…

So iTunes, we are gonna get to know each other a little more…I just need to get some control before I head back to the site  and I should probably be back to work :)

Happy Wednesday Loves!!