Jacko's|Lumpia Shanghai

Posted on the 19 October 2011 by Singcolinquisitor @lexuzinquisitor

I love eating and for me every table would seem boring and incomplete, if without my favorites. For quiet long, to be honest with you readers I am no fan of "lumpia" because I don't like the taste of it. If its offered in the table, that certainly would be my last choice to pick.
My family has no natural talent in cooking, yes that's the sad truth! But we have this excellent talent in eating! So, if ever you will invite me out, watch out!  Since we are not rich, of course we do not have such glamorous recipes in the restaurants to offer in our table during meals. Though I envy that, but I am certainly happy of what food we do eat at home. Well, who do not like the food at home?

Not so long ago, I attended a regular meeting at Jacko's Kan-anan at Hinaplanon Highway, Iligan City. One of the food ordered by the group was this "lumpia shanghai." I was reluctant back then to pick even just one piece of it, but I did thinking that once piece will not suppressed my propensity of the food at the table. When i tasted it, I was really surprise of the taste. I felt that I am liking the taste of it to the extent that I even picked more pieces of it and enjoyed it. There was no bluntness on the food. There is this freshness of the flavors that really suits my  fastidious tongue. I learned later that their own version of "lumpia shanghai" is savored with vegetables...hmmm...i really thought about it...my tongue preferred more veges. From that day, when we hold meetings or any event in school and Jacko's Kan-anan is the caterer, I always look for my favorite, their own version of "lumpia shanghai." Curios? visit the place, I am 100% sure they have some more in the menu that is more satisfying and at a very affordable price.