January 2013 Fitness in Review

Posted on the 03 February 2013 by Thesecretlifeofjen

This month just flew by.  I held really strong on the fitness front, slacking a little toward the end of the month.   Same with healthy eats, really good for a couple of weeks, but then almost to the point of giving up.

Fitness-wise, the initial goal was c25k.  This dropped off as the month progressed, and I started becoming more interested in Bikram (hot) yoga.  I also started a new dance class – Samba Fitness.  This was a great new challenge – amazing the difference between the difficulty in Zumba and Samba – I’m pretty used to Zumba now, and feels like a breeze (well, sorta!).  Just goes to show that you have do different activities, to keep challenging the body.

Nutrition-wise I felt like I was doing pretty much 99% clean, e.g. paleo, no sugar, but seeing no real result on the scale.  And when you look at my activity, seems pretty unrealistic that I would not see a change in weight/body fat.  I think this is why I started to fall off the wagon toward the end of the month, both with healthy eats and exercise.  After seeing a dietician, I have been told to just keep recording my daily eats, focus on consistency and keeping active, while not going too hard (this is where the giving up usually happens).

The good news is that I am loving green monster smoothies, and packing more and more spinach in each one(!)  Sounds crazy, but I am starting to like the taste without needing bananas, berries, or any fruit.

So… on to February then(!)  After a few days off exercise and taking it a bit easy on the diet, I am looking forward to getting back to it.