January 25th, 2011: A Sensational Revolution

Posted on the 05 February 2011 by Muhammadhazem @MuhammadHazem
I never cease learning; it's a never-stoppingprocess. We come to embrace personalities based upon distinct encounters. Theidleness of our minds inspires generalizations and stereotypes; it stretchespersonal views to the extent of comprehensiveness. Those who voluntarily chooseto speak on behalf of the absent are the most ignorant. Those who disregard thegnawing pains of the harmed are living in one-dimensioned worlds where thetruth is only what their eyes meet. 
Throughout the last few days, literally allEgyptians witnessed the birth of shockingly disparate views. I personally camethis close to dressing confusion in a tangible form as it has been themainstream sensation sponsoring my moments of soberness. The involuntarypolitical activation that all Egyptians witnessed generated views that resemblecastle sands; they lose importance as soon as a more well-built castle sandcomes into view. 
Surely would I have been eager to have differentviews if my life has been the life of someone else, if I experienced thesufferings of those who have made friends with the darkness of the regime. Iadmit that the leading reason behind my relative emotional rest is the relativeabsence of literal abuse inspired by the regime. Of course I have been mentallyabused by the grotesque weakness of the Egyptian educational system; itinspired loud screams and misguided anger; it drove me closer to embracingcursing as a verbal practice. Nevertheless, I chose to conservatively believein the virtue of focusing primarily on myself and on being an influentialexample in my society. I admit that, regardless of how intense the depressionthat an educational abuse can inspire, it cannot become a strong reason as theone that may derive an emotional revolution towards a corrupted system. 
Incessantly have I scowled whenever I looked atour weak infrastructure and the innumerable lapses smearing our rulers withblood stains. Nonetheless, I will be contradicting my views if I disregarded thecorruption created by the people. I believe and I shall still remain insistenton believing that the reason why our subconscious bears suppressed angertowards the regime is a statue of corruption sculptured by both the governingsystem and the people forming it. Thus, the current outbreak has to accompanyan inner revolution in which we will fancy the well-being of each other overgreedily achieving sinful ambitions for possession and  recognition. What I tryto suppress the most in myself is to allow selfishness to take over, becausewhen that  happens, running over people to rapidly reach the end of the streetwill be deemed valid
I cannot point an accusing finger to theemotional revolution marching steadily towards the monstrous system to knock itdown once and for all. However, I cannot hide my overgrowing fear of slidingdownhill till God knows when.  Revenge isbeing sought at the expense of the ones who yet did not taste death. I chose tonot protest and I will be a coward to change my view to adjust to thoseshouting in unison for the collapse of the system. As soon as I earn perfectionon a personal level and fulfill my duty towards my society, views will surelyalter.
The tremendous impact of the media surfaced inits full form. Views are forming in split-seconds, forming a dense populationof incomplete thoughts…distinct, contradicted, and loosely built. People findno pleasure in silence; therefore they fancied unstudied political expressions.Conspiracies have been considered, honesty has been sensed, and a response tothe legitimate demands has been alleged by a number of people.  Everyone carved a hand-made path of views andanalysis. I feel very distracted and I find no lust in that.    
I understand that my words reflect no solidopinion. Honestly, I think I hardly possess one. I resent being a channelthrough which opinions of any kind get transmitted to a broader number ofpeople. Sayings words of no proof is a verbal crime. I declare political ignorance.My views are subject to modification to whoever possesses the greatestcinematic impact. Corruption has always been the leading expression of rulersand terminating it is a must. How it should have been terminated is the part Idifferently perceive. I fully disagree with many acts. Objectivity in conveyinginformation through news channel has been debunked; many channels grew inclinedto subjectivity. Personal interests ruled. Nationalistic channels somewhatbeautified the image. On the other extreme, other channels severely intimidatedand darkened reality.   
I fear the consequences; I fear the economiceffects. Many people will surely taste the damage. Religious views differedsignificantly. However, the majority recommended listening to the sound ofreason and assessing the situation according to the ups and downs. Emotionalimpulses are evident. Some friends started arguing loudly about political viewsthat they never had. I personally and secretly started disliking many peoplebecause of their unstudied views however I refrained from any loud debates tonot lose connection with the good sides of these valuable people.  
The internet proved itself to be a very intimatepart of the lives of Egyptians. Having it lost, affected the need for expressionand sharing of many. It also proved to restrict people from activelyparticipating in activities of repair as it is considered the leading factor inconsuming time whether beneficially or not.   
Surely Egypt is witnessing a full-range change.I yet cannot predict the yet-to-come effects. Nevertheless, with sincerity I amhoping for the best, and I am feeling more determined than ever to aid peopleby skills enhancement. I strictly believe in positivity and in how I amentirely and consciously responsible for my actions. I refuse to justify what'sdeemed improper. I believe in the necessity of blundering to commit bettermistakes. Totally I am willing to participate in any sound, positive, andrational act of reform regardless of its kind.   
Hopefully, as I mentioned earlier, that thisemotional outbreak will also induce an inner revolution regarding religion,social affairs, and our legitimate obligation toward our society. I am hopingfor the best.--------------------------------------------ιиѕριяє∂ ву: Egypt's current unrest