January #ChasingJoy Twitter Chat Recap: Resolutions & Goals

Posted on the 07 January 2013 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Yesterday we had the January twitter chat.  It was great.  Lot's of interaction, we had over 320 tweets. I made some new twitter friends too.
Our topic was starting the new year right.  We discussed resolutions,  why to make or not make them, what they were and how we are doing with them, the difference between goals and resolutions and what some of our goals for 2013 are.
Here are the highlights:
[View the story "January #ChasingJoy Twitter Chat: Resolutions and Goals" on Storify]

January #ChasingJoy Twitter Chat: Resolutions and Goals

Storified by Chasing Joy· Sun, Jan 06 2013 19:40:44

Chats are every month on the 1st Sunday at 4pm EST. bring your friends :-) #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) The next #ChasingJoy chat will be on Sunday February 3rd. At 4:00pm ESTChasing Joy (Arlett) 10. you can find me on FB here https://www.facebook.com/JoyChasing #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) 10. My blog is http://www.chasing-joy.com/ #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A10 Blog 1 my main blog http://agirlnamedmichael-mj.blogspot.com/ #chasingjoyMJ Scott A10 http://www.facebook.com/PositivelyShining and http://www.positivelyshining.com/ #chasingjoyMelissa Lopez A10 Blog 2 all about books http://agirlnamedmichaelreadsabook.blogspot.com/ #chasingjoyMJ Scott A10: yup! Would love more twitter followers. (Hint, hint) my blog is http://www.sayitrahshay.com. Lets stay connected! #ChasingJoyRachée A10 My face book page https://www.facebook.com/AGirlNamedMichael #chasingjoyMJ Scott Q10: Do you have a Facebook page, blog, or other link that you’d like to share? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A9b Not the eating healthy part but they may be because I am sitting here eating oreo cookies #chasingjoyMJ Scott 9b My goals are def in reach...I am seizing them every moment I get! #chasingjoyMelissa Lopez Q9 b: Do they still seem realistic and within reach? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) 9A My goals are working out great so far...gonna keep praying that it stays that way! #chasingjoyMelissa Lopez A9a mostly ok but not great #chasingjoyMJ Scott Q9 a: Now that we are a few days into 2013 how are your resolutions/goals working out? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A8. I thought about stop dieting for weeks. Realized the more I focus on weight worst my results have been. Time to step back #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy A8: Not much. I listen to my gut. #ChasingJoyJoyce Brewer I have been thinking about how I wanted 2013 to look for a while. That's how I decided what my goals would be. #ChasingJoyRachée A8 I usually dont think about them I just decide I need to do something then figure out how #chasingjoyMJ Scott Q8: How much time did you spend thinking about your resolutions/ goals before setting them? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A7. To me Resolutions are things I resolve to focus on through out the year. Goals are specific tasks I want to accomplish. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) I feel similarly @ChrystinaNoel #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A7 to me a Resolution is a change in life/attitude/behavior where is a goal is just a single item you are striving for. #ChasingJoyChrystina Noel I do ok with resolutions because I don't expect it to be 100%. It is something to aim for. If I am less than perfect it's ok. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A7 to me a goal can be flexible and resolution is so concrete to me! #chasingjoyMelissa Lopez A7 I have no idea if they are different but it sounds nicer to have a goal #chasingjoyMJ Scott @Chasing_Joy A: Resolution means you'll start/stop something. A goal is something you'd like to reach. I prefer goals. #ChasingJoyJoyce Brewer Q7: What is the difference between a resolution and a goal, or are they the same? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A6. I'd like to make a bigger dent in my debt. I did not making any resolution related to that. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy I've a goal to work my business more, spend more time with my kid. Meet with friends. #ChasingJoyRachée A6 Just to stay focused on the things that really matter. No being stressed and asking for help. #chasingjoyMelissa Lopez A6 I have been eating better and exercising...I plan to continue to do that #chasingjoyMJ Scott Q6: Do you have goals in mind for 2013 that you don’t consider resolutions? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A5. New resolutions are to not weight my self and to not start any new diet exercise plan. Very untypical. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) I'm glad i'm not the only won effected by ot getting out enough. @sayitrahshay @Lisapatb #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Yes! I don't think I realize just how isolated I allow myself to be thinking its down time. It gets me down alright. @Lisapatb #chasingjoyRachée yeah, It's the lack of activity and communication that gets me down. Get out to stay up! @Lisapatb #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy That's a good one. The few days I am in all day I feel like that #ChasingJoy Something about getting out.Lisa A5. One resolution is a repeat from last year. To leave my house every day. I realized when I am in too much I get down. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A5. A couple of my resolutions I've made before. To stop doing things I don't want to do (last few years). #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy A5: No resolution. I have a 2013 year motto: OWN IT. Whether it's good or bad I'm owning my strengths/weaknesses #chasingjoyJoyce Brewer @sayitrahshay Wow, that's an awesome pledge #ChasingJoyLisa A5: I pledged to run 13 5ks this year. I want to start running, er wogging, again. #ChasingJoyRachée Making time for me, debt pay down, and more family time RT @Chasing_Joy: Q5: Would you like to share any of your resolutions? #ChasingJoyMichelle Q5: Would you like to share any of your resolutions? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy A4: No resolutions here. I just need to focus on the big picture. It may take a variety of ways to get there. #ChasingJoyJoyce Brewer Q4b - Having specific goals to work towards help give me a sense of purpose and definitely impact my happiness in a positive way #ChasingJoyMichelle A4 b: all of my resolutions should hep with my quality of life and mindset and therefore = happier me. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A4 a. I did make resolutions but unconventional ones. I have found it helpful to have them as reminders through out the year. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A1 No I didnt make one and A2 I dont think it will have any impact #chasingjoyMJ Scott A4b goals are something that I can adjust as I need to. Resolutions seem so final. #ChasingJoyRachée A4 Im not into resolutions. I feel that resolutions are fake promises that are made to be broken and sound good for the moment! #chasingjoyMelissa Lopez A4 I made goals this year. Resolutions don't work but a goal is something I can work towards. #ChasingJoyRachée Q4 b: What impact, if any, will making/not making your resolutions have on your overall happiness? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Q4 a: Why did you make or not make a new year resolution? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Champaign toas and a kiss sounds like a nice date to this single girl :-) @MommyTalkShow #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) @Chasing_Joy A3: Once my husband got home from work, we toasted w/ champagne and kissed. Wish we could have gone on a real date #ChasingJoyJoyce Brewer At home with sick kiddos but with prayer and meditation RT @Chasing_Joy: Q3: How did you bring in the new year? #ChasingJoyMichelle Q3: How did you bring in the new year? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) A2 feeling pretty happy and positive. There are things that I am working in but even those changes, while a challenge,are good. #ChasingJoyRachée A2 hard to say its been an annoying few days. But mostly I am happy #chasingjoyMJ Scott A2 I am really good. Some curve balls but dodging them with pray and faith!! #chasingjoyMelissa Lopez Q2: How happy are you at this time in your life? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) #ChasingJoy a1 Rachee from Philly.Rachée Hi All! I'm Michelle from South Carolina ... glad to meet you all! RT @Chasing_Joy: Q 1: Who are you and where are you from? #ChasingJoyMichelle A1 I am Melissa and I am from Philly #chasingjoyMelissa Lopez @Chasing_Joy I'm Joyce and I live in Atlanta. Originally from Long Island NY #ChasingJoyJoyce Brewer A1 I am MJ and I am from the very cold state of Utah #chasingjoyMJ Scott A1: I'm Arlett and I am from Philly. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Q 1: Who are you and where are you from? #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Happy New Year Everyone!!! #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Resolutions and Goals RT @Chasing_Joy: This month’s Topic is Starting the Year Off Right #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) The purpose of this chat is to get to know each other better and bond over the themes of Optimism, Gratitude, and Happiness. #ChasingJoyChasing Joy (Arlett) Welcome to the #ChasingJoy Twitter Chat.Chasing Joy (Arlett) Feel free to jump in and answer any of the questions above.  Did you set resolutions or goals for 2013? Do you feel there is a difference between goals and resolutions? If you did make a New Year's Resolution how is it going since we are a week into 2013?