One of the various advantages to smoking the very fine smoke from Pipes and Cigars is that we travel miles, spend months and years changing, converse and discuss, all for the sake of finding the height of smoking pleasure and to understand more than the need for fire.
Jeff and I sat with Jimmy. A very polite and pleasant Chinese, who’s name is not, but sounds very much like Jimmy in Chinese.
What we talked about is for us to know, but you may look at him smoking.
Jimmy (with a Padrón Family Reserve) at De La Concha Tobacconist, New York, NY / Leica D-Lux 4
Filed under: Cigar Lounge, Cigars, De La Concha Tobacconist, New York, NY Tagged: Cigars, De La Concha Tobacconist, New York, Smoke, smoker, Tourism