Here's the video of me introducing my evil twin, Joel. The quality admittedly isn't as good as I'd like, but I'm sure as my camera and editing skills improve future vids will be better. I do have some excellent ideas (thanks to a few folk) for future videos, stay tuned!
Birth of the Federation update - My mighty Ferengi Alliance has defeated the Klingon Empire, technically there are two systems full of angry Klingons that I haven't actually conquered, but as they rebelled and left the Klingon Empire, they can't actually do anything except stay there. The Federation has taken a heavy hammering, and I've finally started to get to grips with the Cardassians. Only slight problem is that they do appear to have somewhere in the region of a 150 ships ready for a fight, fortunately the computer AI is not playing them very well and instead of laying waste to my own colonies their fleet seems to be busy guarding the far north of their space (while I busy myself conquering the south)
Ultimate Ferengi victory is expected soon.
Don't forget if you really want to you can subscribe to this blog (and for that matter to my YouTube channel too), I haven't got a blog subscriber yet, perhaps if you do you may get your own video (and yes Kirsty, I know you're still waiting for yours - sorry!)