Joint Family: The Right Way to Groom a Child

Posted on the 02 November 2012 by Blogbee @blogbee_

Have you ever thought why most of the modern youth are casual about the family culture and traditional directions? Why are they tending to be very experimental in relationships? Why are there several many becoming addictive to drugs and such harmful substances?

The answer at the outset could be the influence of Society and Friends.  But the fact is that it is the Family environment which is alienating youth from the rich and healthy culture of family discipline, responsibility and growth conscious.  Environment in which, a child is being groomed. In a mad race to earn money and lead/give luxurious life parents are not finding time to spend more time with their children. Even though the mother spends more time with a kid, because of her kind heart and sensitive nature gifted by God, she cannot be that harsh and strict towards her child when he commits a mistake. It is the father who has to be so and guide children in the right way. Father will be the first hero of every Kid. But what if he fails to play his role correctly, the entire movie is a disaster. Such situation prevails in today’s society.

Previously, there were joint families in which there used to be many people to take care of a child in the family. With the advancement of technology, world has become so small and so are the families. The shift from joint families to nuclear families has created a huge impact on attitude and personality of younger generation. Joint families play an important role in shaping the personality of a child.

Joint family is like a nursery to teach social virtues. It helps to develop social virtues like co-operation, sympathy, sacrifice, affection, spirit of selfless service, obedience and broadmindedness. Another advantage of joint family is that it acts as an agency of social control. In joint family there is a close supervision over the possible involvement of children in unbecoming and unsocial activities. The most important benefit of having them is the way they inculcate the values in the family as a whole for amity, integrity and prosperity.

The members of a joint family are provided with many means of recreation in a friendly and stimulating atmosphere. The sources of recreation in a joint family are the cute baby talks of infants, affection of mother, collective productivity, love and emotion among siblings and the jovial environment.

Absence of such environment making now a days kids slip into depression which is one of the reasons for the kind of family indiscipline we see.  Research has shown children in closely knitted family are happier and jollier ones.

In today’s nuclear-family-centric society, where individualism is worshiped almost to the extent of obsession, it would be difficult for people to find the time to be social with one another, leave alone looking after each others’ needs. But when one lives in an extended family environment the practice of sharing and collaborating becomes a part of life.

When an individual finds everything needed at home he won’t be looking at the outside world. If youth find the Love and affection from the family members they shall not be detracted to unhealthy practices or deviative life. The guidance from experienced people in Joint families is the essential ingredient for a healthy society. As each rose comes with thorn, the joint family also has its own disadvantage. But these advantages over weigh the few disadvantages.