Then I saw my giant pin-board of recipes and was convicted. It's so easy to feel lovely and crafty and creative on pinterest... until it's two hours later and I haven't done anything ACTUALLY productive and am simply super jealous of all the gorgeous crafts I have yet to accomplish.
By the way, does it drive anyone else crazy that the new Mac OS not only autocorrects, but is convinced that pinterest is not a word?
I pinned it... and quickly decided this would be the recipe I would make.
Ignore my mostly chipped off nail polish, please.
I doubled the ingredients to make enough for both myself and the Boyfriend. If I could make it again I would add half a cup of sugar, and only 3/4 of a lemon. Of course, that half cup of sugar probably ruins all of the health benefits of the smoothie, but it'd be delish!I don't know if I will retry this recipe because it created a pretty decent sized mess and did not produce a large serving. Although I might change my mind once I get better and more efficient at smoothie making :).
Are you a smoothie making pro? What's your favorite recipe?