Journey Through Pinterest

Posted on the 16 May 2012 by Brittany_tyd @Brittany_TYD
Now that I am cooking for myself + the Boyfriend (and sometimes the baby) I realized what a bachelorette rut I got into during my year in Big City. I resolved to start being more creative in my meals, but wasn't sure how I would start.
Then I saw my giant pin-board of recipes and was convicted. It's so easy to feel lovely and crafty and creative on pinterest... until it's two hours later and I haven't done anything ACTUALLY productive and am simply super jealous of all the gorgeous crafts I have yet to accomplish. In comes my newest challenge to myself. I am going to try to make once recipe from pinterest at least once every two weeks. I'd like to do once a week, but sometimes it's just impossible to stray from spaghetti and tacos. #truestory.
By the way, does it drive anyone else crazy that the new Mac OS not only autocorrects, but is convinced that pinterest is not a word? My first foray into this challenge was also my first attempt at making smoothies. I had recently purchased both strawberries and bananas at the grocery store, and fortuitously found this smoothie recipe while hopping around a few blogs. 
I pinned it... and quickly decided this would be the recipe I would make. It was good, but incredibly tart. The strawberries I used were not very sweet on their own and the recipe calls for quite a bit of lemon juice in comparison to the rest of the ingredients. The Boyfriend also just pipped in and said he thinks the banana was too ripe. My advice would be to taste all of your ingredients before you pour them in, and make adjustments accordingly.

Ignore my mostly chipped off nail polish, please.

I doubled the ingredients to make enough for both myself and the Boyfriend. If I could make it again I would add half a cup of sugar, and only 3/4 of a lemon. Of course, that half cup of sugar probably ruins all of the health benefits of the smoothie, but it'd be delish!
I don't know if I will retry this recipe because it created a pretty decent sized mess and did not produce a large serving. Although I might change my mind once I get better and more efficient at smoothie making :).
Are you a smoothie making pro? What's your favorite recipe?