What am I talking about? I am talking about the A to Z Challenge. The A to Z Challenge is posting a new blog post every day in April, except Sundays. Normally, new posts go up on Chasing Joy 3 times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. For the month of April there will be two more posts each week on Tuesdays and Saturdays. I will not be switching to a new theme or anything for the month of April. I will still be writing about Joy, things that bring it and things that may be blocking it. Oh, and the #FlashbackFriday Link up will still happen every Friday. Come May, I will be switching back to our normally scheduled programing of 3 posts a week.
I am doing the challenge because I like challenges. I am not particularly competitive. But I do like to push myself and see improvement, hence the #100DaysofFitness Challenge that I'm close to completing (Be sure to watch my YouTube videos about #100DaysofFitness). This writing challenge will require me to push myself creatively as I write about all about Joy from A to Z. Lastly, I am looking forward to reading some of the other A to Z posts and finding some new blogs to read.
Do you like personal Challenges? Have you ever done a writing Challenge? Are you participating in the A to Z Challenge. If you'd like to sign up here -> http://www.a-to-zchallenge.com/p/a-to-z-challenge-sign-uplist-2014.html. If you participate in the challenge leave me a message in the comments so that I can check out your posts.
PS. Don't forget to enter my Find Joy in the Journey giveaway for a chance to win your own Joy in the Journey Necklace. TUESDAY IS THE LAST DAY!!! Enter -> here!