Diaries Magazine

Joy Is Here

Posted on the 11 April 2013 by Vidyasury @vidyasury
Joy Is Here

J is for Joy Is Here on Day 10 of the #AtoZChallenge and I am delighted to welcome my dear friend Joy Holland of Facets Of Joy.  Joy has a habit of weaving magic with words. Her gentle presence inspires positivity. I confess that when I read what she writes, soothing background music combined with the sound of waves starts playing in my head as a perfect accompaniment to give the overall feeling of a mini-vacation. My heart knows that Joy is here.

I’ve known Joy for quite some time now and I’ve had the honor of collaborating with her on some of her projects:

Ecourse: Illuminate Your Heart Whispers: 30 Days of Love Prompts

Ebooks: Pearls of PeaceCultivating your voice, A Power Prism

Joy has a knack for asking the most amazing questions, and  finding the answers opens your heart and mind. I am thrilled that Joy is here today, because J would not be perfect without Joy.

Welcome, dearest Joy !

Joy is  a Soul Smile


Joy Holland

Joy is here

There is something within you, just begging to be felt and shared:

Your heart smile.

Your heart smiles, effortlessly, when you open your eyes, your heart, your being, to the beauty, the light, the brilliance filling the moment that you are currently in.  From this space, heart overflows with love and gratitude, naturally, as you feel utmost appreciation for the gift of this moment, as it is, as you are.

This joy dissolves barriers, amplifying the feel of abundance.  Without changing external, you feel inner peace and contentment.

When heart smiles, world responds joyfully.

When you choose to share this heart smile, you are choosing to affirm all that is enriching and enlivening with World.  

There are myriad ways of sharing a heart smile—from a simple sparkle in your eyes as you make eye contact with others while moving through world to a complex creative expression showcasing your unique talents and skills.

You certainly don’t have to share your heart smile, your joy, but you might find it great fun to do so because World responds so generously to a smile. When you share joy, the moment expands to include delightful surprise, in ways beyond what you could have imagined or asked for.  The idea of infinite possibility feels very real as you experience it in ‘every day life’.

If mind says, but I cannot see beauty, light, brilliance, in this moment, I fully understand.  When mind says “but”, that is a clear sign of resistance to something unfamiliar and simply reflects to us a space that has become so familiar we are accustomed to being in, and feeling, it a certain way.

You can certainly continue moving in this manner and that is perfectly okay.

My intention is to invite you to feel the joy of your heart smile –a choice that is available each moment.

What if you truly wish to feel your heart smile, this abundant joy, but the moment is full of “stuff” and it has been a long time since you’ve had the urge to smile, let alone share it.  Maybe you think this is not possible for you.

May I share this truth with you from my own life: joy is innate, free-flowing, available each moment we choose to tap into it. It is not removed as discipline, nor with-held until we earn it, it is an energy that is available this moment, when we open to feel it.  (Just like love.)

Perhaps you might try the following exercise:

  • Simply stop, right where you are, and close your eyes.  Then, take one full breath.
  • As you breathe in, think of the gift of life.  You are alive, this moment. Right now.  Right here.
  • As you breathe out, think: thank you for the gift of breath, for my ability to breathe, for the feel of breath enlivening my being.  As I am.  Right now. Thank you.
  • Slowly open your eyes.

This is the feel of pure joy.


Thank you for sharing a moment of joy with me—I very much appreciate your presence.  May you continue to feel this joy as you move through World, creating and connecting!

Much peace and abundant love,


(*grin* my real name, a gift I have learned to celebrate and appreciate!)

Thank you, Joy

JoyJoy Holland is an Intuitive Empath, Energy and Clarity Facilitator who shares the gift of presence to magnify your inner brilliance. Joy is the founder of Facets of Joy.com – a community where exploration is encouraged and heart whispers are affirmed and supported. Connect with Joy on Facebook and Twitter

Pre-register for a discount of 20% before April 13, 2013 for Joy’s 30-day self study ecourseI Believe in Magic“  through which we cultivate, create, and share our perspective on various themes.

This session will run from April 29 – May 28, 2013.

My haiku for Joy:

Dream walks by the shore

Ocean waves drenching my feet

An eternal joy.


#AtoZChallenge J

♥ Today, I recommend

Meera’s J for Jai Jawan

Dhiren’s J for Jungle Babbler

To all my South Indian Friends, Happy Ugadi (New Year)!

Happy Ugadi

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