Joyfully SMART Goals: M is for Measurable

Posted on the 03 September 2014 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Back to the Goals!!!!  Nope I did not forget about them. A little recap in case you did.  Or in case this is your first visit (Heeeyyyy):
After learning about the law of attraction at the Chasing Joy Brunch & Learn I decided it was time for me to implement it and claim the life that I am meant to live.  However as I learned at the brunch before you can dive into the law of attraction you have to do a bit of foundation work with your goals, avoiding mistakes when setting goals, deciding on the goals, and then making them SMART.  I am now in the process of making my goals SMART ( Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Time Sensitive.
I settled on four main goals and have already made them Specific.
  1.  Lose 80 lbs and wear a size 14 regular size
  2. Go from single to in a committed relationship with a man where we are excited about each other and compatible.
  3. Have more fun (movies, happy hour, having friends over, meeting friends for dinner,) by doing at least 1 fun activity every week. 
  4. Write 1st draft of my Chasing Joy book including introduction, all paragraphs, title, and layout. 
Now that the goals are set and specific I have to make sure they are Measurable.   Losing weight is easily measurable both in the long term and throughout the process.  Measurement tools include lbs lost, inches lost, and clothes sizes dropped. My relationship status is kind of more difficult to measure.  In one sense it is very easy, either I am single or I am not.  That's easy to determine.  What is not easy to measure is progress towards this goal. I guess I could measure it by number of dates I go on.  I mean you have to spend time with people to get to know them.  The more guys I get to know and the more I get to know guys who I share an interest in would be positive steps toward a relationship.  What do you think? Would love feedback on how to make this goal Measurable. My goal of having more fun was made measurable when I made it specific.  Doing at least 1 fun thing per week is very easy to measure.   Writing my book will be measurable by pages written.  I have a feeling this book will not be written in chronological order, however the number of pages written can easily be tallied.  Maybe I will create some of those cute goal counters and include them on the blog to show my progress. So there we have it.  My goals are now Specific and Measurable.  Next up Actionable... Have you ever applied the SMART goals process to your goals?  How did it go? Did it make you feel more confident in your ability to accomplish your goals?  Was there any negative to implementing SMART goals?